From your experiences, what are some ways managers here use to hint at future dismissal?

We’re on our break since we’ve just finished our annual clean-up.

It sounds like he wants to keep you.

Why did he make all those complaints then?

If so, it sounds like he’d be unhappy if I resign in the future.

Yup, as that would make him look bad too unless it was for something not related to the job.

If I told him that I have a change in plans for my future, I think he’d understand. During the meeting, he alluded to that possibility.

Do not worry yourself into an early grave.


Don’t tell him that, just before Chinese NY

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I read these type of threads, and even though I am center-right and at quite a senior management level (top 2 percent of organization), thank fuck I am unionized. :face_with_monocle:

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Your boss is always the enemy.

I got told i’ll never be promoted because I drive a Volvo. There’s always something they’ll use against you.

Still own the 1992 model?

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Yep, never selling it. It’s now a symbol of defiance and autonomy.

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stronger than the plastic trucks and cars nowaday.

my office is full of weirdos, non socializing people who count every second on the clock and never stay late , never volunteer for anything and never talk to anyone. some of them have been with the company over 10 years.
my point is that being this way is not a problem on a Taiwanese office environment.
if the boss has a problem with you, it’s not due to your social skills, so dont fret over it.
the number one tell tale signs for coming dismissal is less work for you, removed responsibility , requests that you document your work, or bringing another person to work with you (so they know what’s going on and are able to continue handling the accounts after you are gone )

Do you mean that my boss doesn’t actually want me gone?

bosses might be ass holes, and not like you personally, but they tend to put the business first.
if you cause them damage or loss : they will let you go, being nice might delay it, but you will be removed.
if you bring them profit or are not easy to replace, you stay, even if they dont like you personally.
are you easy to replace ?
will your successor be cheaper than you?

if the answer is yes to both, you are at risk.

many here have advised you to look for new job while laying low and doing your job. you seem unhappy there so I think it’s a good advice.

What do they have against the Swedes?

He has a good point on the Volvo :wink:

My rapidly declining workload makes it such that my workload can easily be distributed to 2 other colleagues who also do the same job as me.

When one of them gets sick or goes on holiday , do their work and better than they do it.
You can even tell them you want to your work load is too low.