Full Custody as a Foreigner

Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately, the judge in 2017 took my kids away 100% (issued a two-year order forbidding me from being in contact, which was astonishingly farcical after two family court judges had already awarded me winter/summer breaks and two weekends a month). I’ve asked the courts of they extended that two years (which passed), with no replies to my messages. I’ve reached out via AIT countless times–who always tell me they cannot help since it is up to local jurisdiction. I’ve written President Tsai, twice. President Trump a few years back. All to no avail. I’ve recently written lawyers to see if I can start a new case, yet I either get rejected for it being an ‘international’ dispute or am afraid of sending my money and losing again based on lack of their effort nor any chance at “an even playing field” (I didn’t feel a single lawyer from 2014-2017 did much work in all the cases I proactively engaged in). I’ve even written international abduction/kidnapping agencies, yet they tell me Taiwan never signed such accords (and it doesn’t really fall into that since all happened there and wasn’t truly “international”).

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Maybe I’m throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, but perhaps you could contact the media with your story?


I was going to suggest this too. Get US Media involved. The big deal shows type media. Draw attention to the unfairness of the Taiwanese courts but do not make it about your ex-spouse or her family


How about ask a lawyer here in Taiwan to figure out whether you are still barred visitation rights? And then have the lawyer write a letter asking for visitation on a future trip? Your ex might allow it, or if she does not, that might be something to take to court.

You should probably forget / drop fighting for custody. That is not going anywhere I do not think and reduces your chances of being allowed visitation.

You may find someone here to go on a “mission” to hand your kids a letter but it is a questionable plan. It may cause drama or shouting or bad feelings and I would recommend against it.

Yes try Instagram or Tiktok! My kids make friends on Tiktok from all over. Your kids probably won’t use their real names, but maybe you can find them by approximate location or local interests.

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I would suggest contacting Marco’s lawyer. At least you’ll get honest answers. Plus he might be willing to mediate if media start asking questions.


I don’t know but as a father, I can’t imagine what i would do if this happens to me.

Taiwan is “lucky” to not be in the UN otherwise I’ll do everything to sue Taiwan through the International Court.


It almost looks like the trial is fixed now against the father. The constitutional court is basically saying how they want the ruling to go so the lower court trial will be a farce.

If they side with the father again it will just get appealed again up to them to be kicked back until they get the ruling they desire

I also like the fact that there are no repercussions for the mother abducting the kid and the cops that obviously didn’t enforce the ruling. If a foreigner tried that the cops would arrest them immediately


What a pile of garbage from Taiwan courts and law enforcement. She fails to hand over the kid with no repercussions. In the meantime they try to keep the father away so the kid only know the mother abd becomes more of a stranger to the father. Total BS.


Hmm reminds me of something.

Court ordered to!

What, like being introduced to much better food?


The same thing is happening right now to a guy I know. Wife changed the locks on the apartment, won’t let him come home, has kept the kids from him for over two years, moved her boyfriend in because adultery is no longer a criminal offense, police won’t help, prosecutor’s office won’t help, apartment building security won’t let him on the premises, etc.

The kicker? He’s won every time he’s gone to court. The wife has lost her divorce case against him because she has no grounds for divorce, except that she’s a cheating whore and doesn’t want to be married anymore. He’s been awarded visitation rights, he’s won the right to return home and cohabitate with his wife and kids. However, she refuses to let him see the kids and won’t let him return home. The wife continues to appeal the case even though she’s lost three times already. I guess she’s going to continue to appeal until she gets the answer she wants.

And…nobody gives a shit here in Taiwan because he’s an American. Nobody. If we were in the US, the wife would already be in jail for child abduction and disobeying a judge’s lawful ruling and he would have been awarded full custody of his kids.

And…there’s tons more…like last week when the police showed up at his apartment with a search warrant based on a bullshit allegation. No probable cause necessary in Taiwan to issue a search warrant for the police to come toss your house, take you to the police station to interrogate you for three hours. In the end, the police found nothing, but they looked for ANYTHING, not just what they were looking for based on the bullshit search warrant. He has a nicely signed and duly chopped document from the cops attesting that nothing per the allegations against him were found. So, does he have recourse to file a complaint for the false accusation? The police told him no.

Try it yourself. Call the police and report some foreigner you hate for some bogus crime. No proof necessary. Just make a frivolous allegation and the prosecutor will issue a search warrant and the police will go toss their house. Will you get in trouble for making a false report? Not if you’re Taiwanese and the person you’re making the allegation against is a foreigner. Happens all the time. Ask @ironlady to hear her personal experience of having the pigs paw through her underwear drawer looking for evidence of an illegal home office. Shit you not!

Recent case in the US where a mother abducted her daughter from a supervised visit. Guess where she is now? JAIL! Child was safely returned to the father.

You’ll get no justice like this in Taiwan.


Between Italy and Taiwan I would pick Taiwan too. Italy is kind of … not great. It’s amazing for tourists though.

Lmao there’s no international court for child custody :rofl:. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read this week.

When there’s a custody battle, there are always more things going on behind closed doors than what’s reported on media, even if you know them. This is why people should all remain civil with their exes if there are children involved because it gets ugly and the children suffer the most in the end.

To each their own. I’ll take pasta and pizza over stinky tofu and blood cake.

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I guess you can only have stinky tofu and blood cake in Taiwan indeed, and pasta is so elaborate that you can’t make it yourself :roll:

Don’t take it so personally. I did say “to each their own.” Most authentic Italian pasta dishes are indeed too elaborate to make from home with the dried pasta and canned tomato sauce available at Carrefours.

Or you can make carbonara for which you only need bacon and cheese and egg.

Sounds good. I’ll stop by this week!

That’s exactly what I thought when I read what was happening. The same thing happened in regards to an Australian who fathered a child. The court case was pushed back down to the lower court and ruled in favor of the mother. The Australian was ordered to pay childcare and alimony but it’s unenforceable. Essentially the child was deemed to be Taiwanese due to the need for more Taiwanese. Even though the kid was eligible for dual citizenship.

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Whether the kid would be eligible for another citizenship depends on the citizenship law of that other country, not Taiwan.

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Unless the lower court trial judge decides to risk their career and go renegade.

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