Fun: Comparative and superlative

Why isn’t the comparative and superlative of fun “funner” and “funnest”? Too close to “funnier/funniest” or just one of those quirks of English?

I suspect fun was originally a noun, as in “have fun”, then came into usage as an adjective later on, but the comparative/superlative never caught up. I imagine there’s something written about it somewhere!

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On a similar note: The comparative and superlative for ‘far’ is farther/farthest, so why isn’t it nearther and nearthest? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I misunderstood the question.

Funner is funner than more fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

And funnest is the funnest fun of all! :grinning:

My dad would never use fun as an adjective. So That’s so fun always had to be That’s so much fun.