Fun Fact

Topic: Smoke Free Taiwan Campaign.

Process: Cigarettes available at every convenience store but nicotine gums or patches require hospital visit and doctor’s prescription.

It does seems to be working pretty well, though.

Yes, that is why people smoke on bus-stops, old people keep smoking around their grand-kids, parents smoke while with kids, and teenagers smoke quite often too.

Have you by chance not been here long? When I first came to Taiwan in 2006, EVERYONE smoked. There were ashtrays on top of urinals, for crying out loud, and going to a bar was like voluntarily inserting yourself into a chemical gas attack. Things have definitely cooled down a lot since then.

(As an aside, I received a visit from a friend who’s been living in Beijing and he remarked how astounding it is that Taiwanese people don’t seem to smoke at all. Obviously, they still do, but compared to Beijingers it’s almost unnoticeable.)

I think it’s disgraceful. Children should be forced to smoke from the age of 10. I think anybody who complains about second hand smoke ,should be arrested . Smoking on Planes was fun… I remember trying to see through the fog…great fun. The only bad thing I have ever experienced from smoking,is throwing my cig,out of the car window and it coming back in and burning my dangly parts. Smoking is good for you and should be Promoted more heavily…like the tobacco companies are doing in Africa…got to get people hooked when they are young,I feel.
Never done me any harm…cough cough.

[quote=“shiadoa”].like the tobacco companies are doing in Africa…got to get people hooked when they are young,I feel.

Even there things are not the same anymore :cry:
There was a time,not so long ago, a company in Tanzania was quite popular with a brand called… " Sportsmen" ( google it - true !)

Smoke free Germany is a very popular topic as well.
This was impossible 30 years ago.
Watch old chancellor Helmut Schmidt on TV about a month ago.
Count the cigarettes.

[quote=“Hamletintaiwan”]Smoke free Germany is very a popular topic as well.
This was impossible 30 years ago.
Watch old chancellor Helmut Schmidt on TV about a month ago.
Count the cigarettes.


When Lucky Luke had his cigarette replaced by a hay straw - or whatever it’s called, lobbyists chanted. That was in the 80’s.
Today, 95% of Hollywood movie show anyone smoking. No further questions asked.

I bought nicotine gum at Watson’s before.

You can buy “real” cigarettes from all 7-Elevens. :wink:

I actually had a hell of a job,trying to get the “anti-smoking” Drugs in Taiwan. Many Doctors can only prescribe a particular brand of Patch,or some other aid. It seems perverse,that they can only “sell” or prescribe a single brand or method. I had to try many ,before I got my prescription. The purpose,surely ,is to try anything,to help you stop smoking.
I would like to say how effective the drugs were,however I have to go and have a quick smoke first. Back later. :doh:

Taiwan’s smoking rate is about 15-20% which is more or less the same as the US, UK, Australia etc.

The difference is the age bracket of smokers. It’s my impression that few young people smoke, few urbanites smoke, and few women smoke.

As an ex smoker with kids Taiwan is pretty good on this score. If we could get the granddad to quit that would count for a lot. Of course beetlenut is even worse for addicts.

Off for my PC smoke now, take away latte!

I think they are doing quite well on this whole anti-smoking stuff.

I remember when they banned smoking in pubs and I was hella pissed. My favourite Pub 45 implemented it and I’ve never been there since. I know that the clubs let you smoke after 9 p.m but I think that’s a good thing. It felt weird when you’re out in a club in England with zero cigarette smell. It made me completely sober hah.

Also, I remember buying a pack of M. Lights for 50 NT$ in 2007/8 not its 85 and will increase to 110 in 3 months. I don’t know about you guys but i’m certainly thinking to quit. That or get some of those duty free ones :lick: