Funny *#$@ in textbooks?


Funny that’s been picked up. I have a student who’s obsessively learning German (I think he’s learned “hallo”, “Danke” and “kaffee” so far, after about three months of probably doing nothing but playing Duolingo in his free time).

Says “tschüß” to me every freaking time he walks away from me. Not one other person in the class has made a connection to “去死”. They’re all just rolling their eyes at him for talking to the English teacher in German.


I went through the 康軒 junior high English textbooks with a red pen to mark every grammatical and nonsensical sentence structure one year. There wasn’t a single page that was free of my marks. My original plan was to send them to 康軒 and ask them to please take my free advice and also recognize that I do mean this in the most face-losing way possible. Then I wondered if it would be more meaningful if I sent them to President Tsai, though I wasn’t sure what I was trying to accomplish with that plan. I don’t know where the books ended up when I left the public schools. I probably tossed them.


Actually I just now made that image to post on my FB because I enjoyed the language pun so much.

One of my funny #$@ in textbooks moments: I had just started teaching in Taiwan when I came across an alphabet pronunciation chart in one of the school’s self-made textbooks. The chart had “A is for Apple, B is for Bear…” etc. When I got to K (“K is for Knee”) I began to realize what I’d gotten myself into here :laughing:


I saw a book that had “x” is for “x-mas”, so I understand exactly how you feel.


Why, of all things! Failure to capitalize a proper noun is a cardinal sin. :no_no: