Funny Political Pictures II

Mongolia wants its territory back…





Wow, people are this comfortable lying to make racist arguments.

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You might also enjoy the racist progressives thread. Seems some “progressives” are very happy to lie in order to attack women of color when it suits them. This is what makes me an enemy of the woke left, the blatant hypocrisy in the name of self-righteousness under the cover of much needed social progress.

edit: sorry, just got in from work, didn’t notice what thread this was

OOoh oooh! I think I remember that guy! Didn’t he used to be president or something?

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I just went looking for a Haley comic to justify the rest of my post and that was the first one that seemed appropriate… No rule about timeliness is there?!

Why does GOP Ethics get to determine “That’s all there is to say about that?”

Oh right…assholes. Like her family was the first to change their name to “sound American” and break from the past. gtfooh

He/she sounds like a lovely fellow.

She didn’t change her name to sound American: she used her given middle name, like many people I know of all races and ethnicities, and took her husband’s last name, like the vast majority of all Americans of all races and ethnicities.


Ha. Even better.

Even if she did, that doesn’t mean America is racist. People adopt a Chinese name in Taiwan/China to adapt to the local culture. Nothing wrong with that. I go by Andrew for this reason; it’s just easier for everyone to say.


Your internalized whiteness is sickening. My internalized yellowness(?) is totally fine, though…I think.


Using their logic, it would be racist to expect people to romanize their names so they can butcher the pronunciation.

I like my name in Chinese. I can’t stand it romanized. So unless people are prepared to learn and pronounce other languages, the changing of names shouldn’t even be brought up as racism.

A noble effort that falls apart. Haley implies the deck is not stacked against minorities, that it’s a wokist narrative. Yet her own words are:

I was a Brown girl, in a Black and white world. We faced discrimination and hardship.

“I grew up in a small town where we were the only Indian family, and I was bullied because they didn’t know if I was black or if I was white,”

Oh right, this is funny political pictures! :sweat_smile:

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It would help if you had the context of what she is writing about. It’s her story of success in America and rejecting victimhood.

"I was a Brown girl, in a Black and white world. We faced discrimination and hardship. But my parents never gave in to grievance and hate,” Haley said. “My mom built a successful business. My dad taught 30 years at a historically black college. And the people of South Carolina chose me as their first minority and first female governor.”

“I grew up in a small town where we were the only Indian family, and I was bullied because they didn’t know if I was black or if I was white,” she said. “All I knew was I was Indian. I was brown; and I was bullied because I wouldn’t take a side. … So I told my parents and my parents talked to the teachers, and we ended up educating the class.”

To me, her story is not unlike mine. My family and I are all first gen immigrants to America. Were there some racist people, yes. There are racist people everywhere, and people face discrimination of all kinds anywhere. But the ability to succeed above them in a country is what makes America great, not racist.

I’d wager I’ve lived in more countries than most people. The US is by far the least racist and most egalitarian country I’ve lived in. I haven’t had a great grasp of the UK yet but I’d say it seems fine. I haven’t had any discriminatory issues here.


Haley should change parties then, to the one that doesn’t platform as perpetually oppressed victims! :brain: Relevant: "The Conservative Cult of Victimhood"

Let’s get some pictures in there tho: