Funny stories with language barrier

There are hundred of funny stories :laughing: that happen to foreigners because of chinese language barrier.

I share you one of my stories:

In a tour to South Korea :kr: I was the only english speaker in the group beside the tour guide, the rest were taiwaneses. When we arrived to the hotel room :sleeping:, I assumed we were going to stay there during the whole tour and I unpacked my stuffs.

The next day, while I was going to leave the room, my roomate, a taiwanese, was telling me something in mandarin. Because of my chinese level, I wasn´t sure what he was saying, then he spoke to me again (in mandarin) and I realized he was telling me “not to forget my stuffs”. So I replied in my basic mandarin level if we were not coming back to the hotel which he answered “no, we are not coming back”. So I ran quickly and packed all my stuffs up. :sweat:

The tour was fun and I returned to Taiwan :taiwan: safe and complete.

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I don’t get the joke.

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it´s not a joke. It was a real story

What’s funny about it?

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I almost forgot my luggage in Korea. It would have been embarrasing.

You almost forgot your stuff, and someone told you not to forget your stuff? Maybe it you had forgotten your stuff or something it would be funny. This needs some work.

“As we were leaving, I saw that guy and I told him jokingly in my newly acquired Mandarin, “don’t forget your stuff”. He looked like he’d seen a ghost, did a double take, and said “Oh my God! I left 8 kilos of heroin in my room!” I didn’t understand it at the time, but when it was explained to me later, it was truly hilarious.”


A guy goes to a hotel room with a prostitute and immediately whips it out. It’s already hard and he’s ready to go right then. She gasps, “色狼!” (Se lang, “color wolf”). The guy hears " So long!" and feels quite proud of himself.


OK, I fess up, that was based on a true story, it was me, and it was in a park where I was walking with a date after dark, and she fled, but other than that, the details are more or less true.


Once years back I had a private student, the mom was a judge. Once she took us out to a fancy Shanghai restaurant. When ordering, she asked me “do you like taro?” I did, so I answered in the affirmative. The food came out and one thing was a small plate with a fish head, nothing else. I wasn’t touching that, so I just left it. Eventually she asked me, “aren’t you going to eat some fish head?” After some confusion we realized I had mistaken the word for fish head for taro (they’re pretty similar). I didn’t eat the fish head.


Went to Germany some time ago, just for a couple of days, stayed outside of a town. Went out for a walk, severe stomach cramps, didn’t make it back in time. Complete mess, everywhere.

Looked in my bag and had underwear but no trousers to put on. Washed the dirty ones in the shower and then painstakingly tried to dry them with the hairdryer. The smell was ripe.

Reluctantly stuck them on and then had to get a train into the nearest town to a clothes shop - thankfully I do not speak German because I knew full well I was the talk of the carriage.

Language barrier kept me safe and calm :ok_hand:


Many years ago I was in Seoul for a 6-month gig and saw that the musician Chick Corea was performing a concert. I went to the venue the night of the show hoping to score a ticket at the box office not knowing that the venue for the show had been changed. I walked around in front of where I thought the concert was to be asking people, “Chick Corea?, Chick Korea?”
A nice young couple nodded their heads and gave me the “follow us” motion. Cool I thought, new venue is close by.
They led me to a Korean Fried Chicken shop and smiled at me. I chuckled and said “Thank-you”. The fried chicken was very tasty with a couple of Hite draughts. I never did see Chick Corea that night.


Funny story. Too bad about missing Chick Korea. Here’s some youngsters doing his “Spain”: