Future MRT Line and Station Map?

Anne Hidalgo Paris Mayor. Since her election in 2014, Anne Hidalgo has stood out: the first woman to conquer the French capital is one of the most influential Socialist Party figures

Ahhh Mr Khan… Khan vowed that if elected, he would freeze public transport fares in London for four years. He claimed that this would deprive Transport for London]of £452 million, but TfL stated that it would deprive them of £1.9 billion, taking into account projected population growth over this period.Khan emphasised his commitment to liberal social values.

New York …Bill de Blasio …In 2014, de Blasio released a report dedicated to "better transit for New York City.Just as important, he remains uninterested in the decaying mass transit system, the city’s biggest existential threat. All the mayor said about the subways on Thursday was that “we will get Albany to fix” them. In day-to-day governance, de Blasio’s sins are of those of omission, not commission — and they are practical failures,

Look at the people in charge , perhaps that contributes .