Gay sports leagues?


My move to Taipei is imminent and I’m just wondering if anyone knows of any LGBTQ+ tennis or volleyball teams/leagues. If not, are there any for any sports?

And if not, are there just general sports leagues open to foreigners that you’d recommend? Looking to continue tennis and volleyball while I’m there! :slight_smile:


There’s definitely adult leagues.

But ive not seen any for just gay people. I was not aware this was a thing as I would think it would be hard to put together enough teams to be in a league unless maybe you’re from a place with a huge gay community like LA or something.

Haha, ah actually I think you’re right. For volleyball I’ve just seen gay teams in adult leagues. Tennis is where I’ve seen full on gay leagues since it’s just 1v1’s or doubles–you don’t need that many people.

Good to know, though!

There’s a new gay rugby team just started up.


I’m trying to imagine what the Maori haka would look like.

lol wow, random! do you have any info on where one can join? thanks!

If it’s not about sexual orientation, there are loads of same gender sports everywhere in Taiwan. So long as the point isn’t about suxuality and just about sports, quite a lot of options. Volleyball is particularly popular in Taiwan. Especially for lesbians, though I don’t think they care enough to advertise gayness or discriminate against non gays. Just go and have fun :slight_smile:

Most sports are same gender. Otherwise men would win all the time.


Does there need to a separate league? I don’t get it. Check out Thorpedo back in the day. He came out some years ago and was phenomenal in the pool. Not in any type of special league.

Let’s bring back the Negro or Coloured Leagues while we’re at it.

lol OKAYYYY everyone. Having a team/community of similar people can be fun and can be a good way to meet people who are also gay. Playing in general leagues can be fun too and I’ll likely do that. It just makes it more rare/difficult to find the other gays (as you can’t necessarily just tell who’s also gay if you’re in a standard league). Happy to make friends with everyone along the way, though!

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That’s a mature response. Well done you.

May I remind everyone once again this is the LGBTQ+ forum. If a gay poster wants to ask where the gay sports at then he or she should be allowed to without an ensuing Spanish Inquisition.

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If it’s unigender, then there are no men. Try to keep up :sweat_smile:

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Or there are and there aren’t at the same time. Like that cat in a box.

colored, perhaps.

I people refuse to accept lines then it’s a free for all. Given how pointless sports is outside ego, I don’t mind a free-for-all to be honest.

But if the metrics is measuring hormone levels, I think we are entering the time of penis and vagina being less important. Just measure the chemicals. Hurrah!

Dicks on dick bearing ass holes? Sure. Vagina an vagina, sure. Only if they get horny for their same gender though!

But in sports, why care? Like even just a tiny bit. The fact so many are so into people’s personal lives should be more alarming than a muscular female beating up an IG “model” that whines a lot.

Much like religion has NO place in politics, neither should who I fuck in MY bed matter to strangers.

It’s just really an odd obsession i can’t quite wrap my head around.

Don’t bring cat people into this…it is or isn’t. Court don’t play that game :yum: