German guy gets bullet - traffic dispute

my wife was just reading the banners on below of the TV news- seems that the guy and his female friend were shot at on the road, though escaped dead with some fleshwounds. anyone knows more where - when -why?
reminder- don’t mess with the wrong guys on the road :s

In Taiwan?

Liberty Times reports that a German businessman was driving from Tainan to Kaohsiung at kilometer 337 in the outside lane. Another vehicle was driving parallel. He accelerated, the other car accelerated. The German driver thought he was about to be in an accident and honked his horn. The other driver opened his window and fired a shot that went through the car breaking the passenger’s window and the driver’s window. No one was hurt. Police are investigating. … ay-so3.htm

Taiwans becoming more like CAlifornia everyday.

Guess he escaped a much worse scenario…

My GF always tells me not to “play” with those f***wits on the road and this incident will remind me once more :astonished:
As such I’ll remove the baseball bat from my car and buy some pepper spray :stuck_out_tongue:

Back home, in such a traffic situation, we usually have an exchange of words, normally on the topic of our relatives and ancestry, before exchanging bullets. AK-47’s still the weapon of choice, quickly being replaced by high-powered rifles.

[quote=“ceevee369”]Guess he escaped a much worse scenario…

My GF always tells me not to “play” with those f***wits on the road and this incident will remind me once more :astonished:
As such I’ll remove the baseball bat from my car and buy some pepper spray :p[/quote]

Yeah, your only choice in Taiwan is to either accept the asshole behavior of 50% of the other drivers or be prepared to deal with a baseball bat, a watermelon knife, or a gun, because half of the inbred scumbags who drive like cunts have weapons in their cars. The other half drive like cunts because being a completely self-absorbed asshole is required by the dealer if you’re going to buy a luxury car in Taiwan. Only a few nice people make it through the gauntlet and end up being able to purchase a Benz, BMW, or Lexus.

I seem to remember another nasty incident on that stretch of road. I recall that because a friend was stopped and threatened with a baseball bat while driving from Kaohsiung to Kenting in a very close call.


A large foghorn can be a useful diversionary device… fire & manoeuvre…