German Policy on Arms Sales to China

Well so many choices of where to be on that fateful day in 2006 when Schroeder and his little running dog Joschka Fischer go down in flames. How much champagne to drink? Which waltz to dance first? pheasant with morel mushrooms or venison? The choices boggle the mind but the result will be the same, excess consumption of bubbly while watching those two failed German

Yup, I voted for Schroeder, but I was wrong. Not all he does IS wrong, but he talks so much trash doing it and overlooks little details in handling the matter, to make it always a total desaster.

Economic reforms and a totally confused German people ("reforms yes, no, yes, but finished now, more reforms, capatalism is bad, let us go back to the 70s, save your money for higher taxes, bla bla bla).

And … to keep on saying “no” to transatlantic alliance is kinda strange.

Bush and Schroeder both started in a harmfull [for transatl. rel] way, Bush improved, Schroeder not. How did you get Bush to learn? Holy inspiration?

Bob Honest:

Don’t tell us about Schroeder and Fischer, we already know. Make sure that you get lots of your friends and family in Germany to vote against them in 2006 and then we are talking. Oh what a happy happy day it will be for me to see those two ride off into the sunset. You have no idea how many bottles of bubbly I am going to down that day. If I am still in Taiwan (30 percent chance) I may even buy a case and drag it down to Alleycat’s so everyone can enjoy the celebration with me.

Don’t forget about the French … they’ve already got their deal to sell a bunch of advanced Mirage fighters to China the second the arms embargo is lifted.

My parents will vote SPD, so Schroeder again, they always do it. Not me this time, nono. But he is a lucky bastard. Probably something will happen in the night before the election in 2006. Like Angela Merkel - being the (likely) conservative candidate- driving her car into a bunch of elementary school children killing 12 of them right before the ballot. Something like that.

Just make sure that good ole Angela is driving in an SDP neighborhood if you get my drift… :smiling_imp: