The hilarious thing about Kenny’s post is that if the attacks hadn’t happened, the leftists would be demanding that the U.S. “end imperialist aggression” and disband the CIA.
One of the main reasons the CIA and FBI haven’t worked together is all of the laws that the left forced on them to prevent domestic surveillance of the CPUSA and other groups of assholes. Even today, every leftist cause from animal rights to xenophilia lobbyists (“illegal immigration advocates” – I couldn’t think of a relevant z-word ) are screaming bloody murder over every step the Bush Administration has taken to secure the borders and prevent further attacks, including CIA-FBI cooperation.[/quote]
thats a broad and mischaracterized brush you’re painting with. nevertheless, the cia does need reform in certain areas.
the information we are talking about doesn’t involve the use of “blackops” etc, helping instigate or assist in toppling of governments nor spying on persons in US illegally. certainly there is some grey area eg hiring of known ‘bad guys’ as informants to raise intelligence sources, but that is another point.
You know, if the Left Wing as you imagine it was really that unified, really that coordinated, and had that much solidarity, well, things would look different today. my suggestion, watch where you paint. [/quote]
I’ve never claimed that “the Left Wing” is unified. However, anyone who was anywhere near Seattle during late 1999 saw all too well how much solidarity and coordination the different factions had. Sea turtle loons, AFL-CIO goons, anarchists, CPUSA, you name 'em, they were all downtown, smashing windows and chanting slogans.
There isn’t any formal coordination, just a general “gentlemen’s agreement” (oops, that’s SEXIST of me!) among most of the different leftist groups to generally support each other’s agendas. Thus you see the NEA and WEA (teacher’s unions) pushing for gay-rights laws, the Sierra Club getting into the act on gun control, and the AFL-CIO issuing statements against grade-school voucher programs.
They all vote for the same candidates, who all collectively (hah!) support the same bloc of issues. If one or two legislators reject one aspect, it doesn’t weaken the whole much, so that slight amount of dissent is tolerated, but not much more.
I needed something late in the alphabet, and I couldn’t think of anything that started with ‘z’.
I suppose I could’ve used “wobblies” or “yippies”, but I doubt anyone knows who they are any more. I barely do.