Getting 2nd hand scooter

This is a little off topic but when I lived there my girlfriend (later to be my wife) told me she had to break up with me because anyone stupid enough to buy a used scooter in taiwan isnt smart enough to take care of a family. I had just gone through 3 used scooters/motorcycles that ended up having so many problems that the local mechanics didnt want to work on them anymore. I bought a new honda clone for 30,000nt in 2002 monies and never had another scooter problem.

come to think of it she was pretty quick with that “i have to break up with you” threat.
Cant marry anyone that puts butter on rice.
Cant marry anyone who makes spagetti in a rice cooker.
Cant marry anyone who loan money to his family.
cant marry anyone who wont carry 5 gallon water bottles up a 5 story walk up.
theres a lot more
im going to sit in a dark room for awhile.