Getting rid of ants

Yummy. Do you suggest scotch or red wine with this.

Careful, AC, you’re treading dangerously close to humour there. :laughing:[/quote]

My apologies. Obviously this a political plot by pan-Green or the USA in winning cement contracts.

Not just any Killer Bees…

Africanized :noway: Killer Bees. You know, the ones that Reagan said were threatening the US by way of Mexico. The ones they made a movie about in which the Killer Bees killed some people but it was just a misunderstanding because the Bees were misunderstood (until a machine was developed to translate Bee into English and vice-versa).

The video stores are pretty quick. Yesterday, I saw a VCD with a big red ant on the cover. It was angry. The English name was Crust, but I think it was something about fire ants.

Now,we should avoid going to the field. We can check our plants ,try our best to prevent the fire ants and match up government’s measure.

Then the ants will have won.

Then the ants will have won.[/quote]

Damn right! I am going to camp in the field and snack on the little devils.

One of my memories of kindergarten in St. Petersburg, FL was when I did a cartwheel right onto a fire ant hill and was immediately attacked by the nest. After that day, I made it my mission to kill every ant I saw. As horribly as possible.

Brings the name “fire ants” to a whole new level…


What ever happened to the time honored tradition of a magnifying glass, a sunny day, and a curious child.

This whole gasoline thing has me worried.

:help: :help: Hi, I thought I had eliminated/blocked these creeps last year, but… :noway: the same ones are back. I have little ones and big ones and they both bite! No they are not fire ants, luckily.

I have tried traps, sweet stuff they carry back to their homes, peppermint, basil, and raid. I have cornmeal and am tempted to try it, but am worried about roaches. We have pets this year also, so… no poison can be used… I have tried to find thier hole where they come in, I block it, spray it and the bitches just find a new one. I hate ants, almost worse then roaches.

Last year we were told that because we were using heaters the temperature inside was warm enough that they would come in, this year we didn’t use any heaters, it’s been too warm. I am guessing this may be caused by the hot temperatures we have been having this year, but I still would love to see them leave or destroyed!

:help: Any ideas?

I had a rogue group of ants escaping my external hard-drive the other day. I hadn’t turned it on in a long time, but after I did on this occasion, it must have heated up enough to freak the little bastards out, and then bolted for it. It looked like they were trying to carry food and/or larvae out. I was disgusted.

I can’t help ya man. I’ve got 'em from time to time in different areas of my 8th floor apartment. My messy cats dropping bits of food on the ground around their bowls doesn’t help either.

Ants always follow the same path, so in addition to tracking them to their point of entry, see if you can learn what they’re after or where they’re heading. Could be they’re just passing through to somebody else’s feeding grounds.

In addition to plugging holes and spraying, see if you can’t destroy the scent trail using bleach.

The mortal enemy of the ant is the termite. Try introducing termites into your home.

They want water. Keep your sink and bathroom floors dry.

I used one of those sonic bug devices and it seemed to work well enough, until the boy started setting off the test signal all the time. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You could try spreading talcum powder so they can’t walk across it. I don’t think cockroaches would eat that… would they?

Ya, what the hell were they doing in my external hard-drive?!!!

Yeah I have used bleach before too, doesn’t help. Water, we elimiated all we could. sprayed and plugged holes already, but they keep finding new ones.

Yeah luckily we don’t have termites, I know they are much worse.

Anyone know if roaches like cornmeal? Someone told me the ants will eat it, take it home and can’t digest it so it kills them…

I remember my aunt talking about mixing carbolic acid and icing sugar together, the point being that they take it home and it kills them and their nest. No idea what carbolic acid is.

I have the bastards as well. I’ve been laying off the sweets and spraying regularily on freshly cleaned everything. It seems to be helping.

I’ve noticed that they really love tuna.

“combat” works.

Some weirdo hippie (my twin) told me to sprinkle powdered laundry detergent everywhere that they hid. And to hunt down their home and clean them up with Windex (the ammonia kills them pretty well.)
After battling these bastards for over a year, this worked. It has been a year and I have since not seen an ant. But I went nuts with the detergent. U pushed it into every nook and cranny those foul creatures were near.
But yeah. It worked. Windex and Laundry Powder.