Is "begpacking" legal? (not general discussion)

This is from the PDF on the other side of the link in my earlier post:

Again, I don’t know Chinese, and the above quote may be out of context, but I’ll take a shot at figuring out what it means.

At least according to Google Translate (and bearing in mind that the specifics of the quoted text seem to refer mostly to Taipei), the text above makes the problem look like it sort of segued from being mostly a police matter to being mostly a social-welfare matter. However, not included in the quoted language above (but just below it in the PDF) is language indicating that vagrancy (or begging, or other stuff like that) can become a police matter. I think, though, that the language indicates that the behavior has to become a threat to the social order for the police to get involved.

Of course, it’s quite possible I’ve misunderstood the whole thing. :slight_smile:

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