Ghost month, here we go ... what not to do!

Sorry, too late. This morning, a centipede tried to get in the house through one of the many holes in my main door. I took a Japanese knife to it and it became many little pieces.

Ghost month or not, all creepy crawling critters found in these premises will be dealt with extreme prejudice.


Okay, freaking out. I’ve lived in this place for a few years and the desk has never had a bug anywhere in the whole entire room and there’s no food or water or any reason or access for them. And now I see this.

Yea it’s not a rare bug but anyway I didn’t kill it I just flicked it away across the room and then it just stood there and looked at me for a while.

I guess the ghosts are not someone we know just random ghost roaming around is that correct?



I believe that’s my great aunt Jemima…


Avoid the ghosts? We are the ghosts.


Oddly, the temple officials said that during Ghost Month, the seventh month on the lunisolar calendar, the drum and bell towers are completely sealed off and there are no electrical wires inside.

You need to get your goldbrickin’ cats to chip in around your place. They don’t have to worry about their ancestors! … and they’re cats!! It’s sport!

Last year while crossing at an intersection, which was ofcourse blocked because no one can be bothered to park properly, I started whistling as I walked by the idiots. They looked horrified.

This is my new objective for the next 3 weeks

That was a small one. The ones I encounter are the size of my cats’ head.


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That’s tunnel is supposedly particularly bad, because one of the city’s main funeral parlours is at one end, and there are a large number of graves on the land above and surrounding it.

Just to put my westerner spin on this, how about some irony? There doesn’t seem to be enough of it here.

Like a group of people specifically take the last bus, and the driver wearing ghost make-up.
But then that would be maybe too much like Halloween.

Or midnight ghost movie screenings at the local movie theaters.

Apparently ghost month is celebrated in Fenglin a little differently than the norm for a few years now.




They are lucky, could have been 444 ‘people’!

“However, one rational netizen pointed out the possibility that “if you keep pushing the turnstile, the number will continue to climb.””

Helluva story. Worth the 3 turkeys award :turkey::turkey::turkey:

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My answer to ghost month. A swimming hole 5m deep fed by a river with a decent current. Taroko Gorge area.




Prepare to beeeeee… not scared.

Part time job opportunity?

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[quote=“Belgian_Pie, post:1, topic:171662, full:true”]Taiwanese stay away from beaches and swimming pools in droves throughout Ghost Month.
And yesterday, on Ghost Festival Day itself. I was at Fulong Beach, which was populated by beachgoers. There were plenty of people in the water. Glad to see that superstition hasn’t consumed everyone here.

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What you saw were the ghosts! :roll_eyes:

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