Ghosted After 3rd Date

She could also be confused why you’re not escalating things sexually.

Obviously I wasn’t there but it’s hard to image a woman be so naive to agree to go to your home and not expect you to do something.

I would usually escalate it and if she’s not interested in her body language or just straight out says no I’d just back away.


yea could be, but yea the message was “seen” 24 hours ago

pics would help to understand this situation…


24 hours isn’t that long

One of my dates didn’t get back to me for a week, turns out her grandparent passed away

Also I never get to kissing on second date but some of my dates have progressed to serious relationships. It’s more like holding hands on 10th date, kissing maybe after 6 months, and I don’t have sex before marriage anyways so no rush


You would think. I’ve met a couple who I feel if I escalated would be a sexual assault charge, which is why I never did.

I read the room, and the room said that she wasn’t into it which is why I made the decision. Having said that I’ve had my fair share of hookups too from Netflix and Chilling. Usually the signs are there and things are quite obvious, this one was very iffy at best.

You’d also be surprised how naive some women are. But perhaps I should have went for it anyways, only way to truly confirm if I made the right call or not.


It’s very very normal in Taiwan for girls to ghost you. It’s because they believe ghosting is "less painful " than rejecting you so be ready for more ghosting in future.


Ok, there are some generational things that I can let slide, but went? :noway:



I think this one depends on the context. It isn’t a set rule. I only ask usually on first dates because the girl has no out. It’s also harder to read the room when you’ve only met a girl for 1-2 hours and you know nothing about their personality. Sometimes it is hard to tell, not every girl is going to be leaning towards you, smiling, reciprocating touch, etc. especially on a first date.

Ok, how would the girls feel if he saw her the first time and contorted his face into something ewwwww would look like?

Any less painful than being ghosted? :laughing:

Well all I know that Taiwan is a country of “no confrontation” . So girls here would never say no to things guys ask them to do when they are with the guy. So a taiwanese girl can hang out with you all day and u might feel she is having good time but inside she doesn’t want to keep going, she don’t want to go to the house to chill and she don’t want to be touched in “neutral way”. Whatever it is, the girl won’t say no to the guy BUT when she is away from him, she will ghost him

And so many foreigners , even me in begining would be confused as to why the girl suddenly disappear when she was having good time. Problem is girl not saying anything to us doesn’t mean she is having good time.taiwanese girls often keep real feelings inside


Yeah, some girls are tricky that way!

I use the 90-10 rule that I got from this movie, works well

Did you booby trap your medicine cabinet pre-netflix and blueballs?

So, no big loss. Next!


Young man the reason 2 people kiss is because there is chemistry between them. If you are interested in a woman your goal should be to get her to be interested in you not to try to trap her into kissing you. Unless you’re young Brad Pitt most of your dates aren’t going to be begging you for a kiss after an hour. But if they are really into you there will be signs.

If there is no sign of chemistry asking for a kiss is very awkward and bound to be a huge turn off to most women. Most women are looking for a man who is confident, knows what he’s doing and above all not awkward.

You should get more experience planning fun dates, reading women and escalating based on the signs.


What are the other ones looking for?



Who knows what women are thinking. She might have another guy on the go, she might have weird standards - some girls don’t like it if you don’t own a car or whatever.

Bottom line is she ain’t worth it pal. 3 dates, not even a kiss and a wet fish kind of hug? Move on pal. If she ain’t feeling it then no need for you to waste your time. Also, don’t ask girls if you can kiss them. It sounds very weaksauce.

Unlikely considering OP already said she wasn’t feeling hugs and wouldn’t even kiss him.

And to the topic of ghosting, is it normal for Taiwanese girls to ghost you? Yes it is, extremely normal, move on to the next pal.

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I agree with this. No need to kiss on the first date unless its really going well. Whats the rush?

Yeah. What’s your apartment like? Any red flags in the washroom, like the last girl’s toothbrush or a dirty bowl or Costco brand condoms? Could be that she saw something new in that 4th date


Damn Jimbob, you’ve got me humming “Smooth Operator” now.