Ghosts in the Macaroni

Sure. I celebrate Xmas as a time of family. No baby jesus in the equation, though. Very few people in Yingguo are thinking that ghosties and wee goblins are going to bite them this Halloween. It’s a bit of fun for the working stiffs and their brats.

Yebbut, what I meant was that people who burn paper don’t necessarily ‘belieeeevve’, they just do it because it’s tradition and cos everyone does it. Nothing weird about that.

But Xmas is fun! Opening all those gift! Easter! The wee eggs! Guy Fawkes! Boom boom bang! Halloween! Mmmm candy and toffee apples! Chucking paper money into a fire with a miserable expression on yer face just doesn’t equate!

I burned some ghost money today. Luckily it was auspicious so my grandad didn’t visit me with dire warnings. And no Easter eggs.

First, where are the Macaroni ghosts?

Second, how to do that with the “imagine things when almost asleep and they really can be seen”?

I will try that tonight. Don’t think it will be a hooded figure though.

:howyoudoin: rather an un-hooded one…

Damned, I imagined a girl in a bathing suit (at least partially) and all I got was a big, giant dog standing in front of my bed. That was damned scary. Didn’t bark at least.

(Looking at my avatar) hmmm… my fault I guess

Better then being waken up all too early by your cats raspy tongue on your scalp tho.