Give me some good diversification ideas for stocks or other asset classes

I’m thinking more ccl and some hotel stocks , something like that.

Taiwan has a few stocks in this area.

I’m going for international , American brands Ike CCL, Hilton… also Bud has been good and maybe more Disney.

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Just sold AMD for a nice profit. I like AMD and NVIDIA.

Companies to look out for related to covid are also movie theater operators like AMC, down now, will go up surely in the future.

Interestingly cannabis stocks get “higher” the more Biden’s chance to win increase. :laughing:

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hold that idea…

sure, hold till next spring or so~~

I will probably never go to the theater again. Not that we did go much b4 C19.

The DOW is up and getting a nice healthy-POTUS bump.

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Nikola is toxic, but I see a lot of day traders playing it.

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If you haven’t been, you definitely should see a movie in a Dolby cinema pro theater.

Boeing bleeding

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WKHS is up 12% on news that Monday they announce the USPS truck contract.

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Nice, great, that horse is working well for me right now. Will be out when it hits 29 or 30 next week.

Also, finally Lemonade rewarded my patience, but as always, sold too early, at 65, now close to 68.

Next up, taking profit from Palantir. Has been hovering around 10 for a while, just a matter of time until it goes up a bit further.

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Yeah, I’m thnking of getting ahead of…things. Building up a bit a cash hoard. I may sell HLYN, WKHS and PLTR next week. I don’t have huge gains, but I have this tingling that says:

Always good to have the cash to go back in at the bottom. :slight_smile:


Just read Appalachian Fall…and I’m glad that real investment is being made in the region that brung America to the big boy’s table.

Fits with this guy:

Who is having an IPO soon.

WKHS galloping nicely out of the gate, will break 30 easily?

Just finished writing this, and it’s above 30, ha ha.

Wow, TESLA too

Pooped out at the end though huh? weird.

Was too greedy, should have gotten out at 30… Ha, lesson learned. But anyway, I like the WKHS.

Had NET on my watchlist since last year and… kind of forgot about it?

Fuck me.

Me wiping my tears with my ZM gains.
