Give me some good diversification ideas for stocks or other asset classes

For some reason cryptocurrency also likes Biden.
More likely it’s just linked with the overall markets.

Gee, uhm, Delaware and shell companies maybe.

You guys should have bought Etsy, my speculation on another bump from them during the UK lockdown was correct.

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Also Canopy Growth, months of sticking with it has finally paid off. Bunch of states legalized and decriminalized. Easy money right there.

I am getting excited for Ethereum 2.0 launch already.

I really don’t know what to do with Nokia…but Sony was the right buy for me as well with the PS5 launch. They are about to make bank. 13% gain on those stocks so far.

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For me , after quite a few busted stock plays over the years, I tend to look for leadership or innovation in a given industry.

Have Nokia demonstrated either of these recently ?

Sony at least have that leadership in consoles still.

I’m going to keep looking at companies that will do well in this business environment. Self-employment, especially part-time gigs will be huge moving forward.

Buy Fivver stocks now. I use them a lot myself. It’s going to grow even more since people who have small business side gigs like myself use it to hire people for gigs as well. I used people for commercial ads, web design, graphic design. I’m looking to sell something and go in on Fiverr as the market opens Monday.

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I might cut my loses with Nokia and go in on Fiverr. They will hit 200 by December imo.

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Yeah if fiverr are in the top two choices in their industry why not.
But aren’t there a lot of platforms for gig work already ?
Are they the leader ?

Weeds stocks are getting high. I wanted to sell ACB at 12.5 yesterday, but it didn’t get there in the end. Probably better, maybe it will rise to it’s all time high of 127 again. That would be nice ah.

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Swing and a miss.

Palantir Technologies is not an obvious way to bet on a Biden administration.

The big data analytics company generates about half of its business from the federal government, with a considerable portion of that from intelligence agencies. Peter Thiel, the company’s founder and largest shareholder, has deep ties to the Republican Party and was a vocal Donald Trump supporter in the 2016 presidential race.

Nonetheless, Palantir (ticker: PLTR) shares have been on a 40% election-week tear, including a gain Friday of 16%, to $13.75. It traded as high as $14.96. The company did a direct listing on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 1, opening for trading at $10, and then closing the first day of $9.73.

There are no obvious explanations for the move—no fresh analysts’ notes, and no news from the company. Palantir declined to speculate on the reasons for the rally.

Earlier this week, the Financial Times reported that the U.K. has held discussions with Palantir about using the company’s Foundry software to run a Covid-19 test-and-trace program, although no deal has been announced by either the company or the U.K. government. Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the company is working with the U.S. government on a tool to help monitor the manufacturing and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines.

It isn’t at all clear why Palantir would benefit from the split government scenario that is now developing. It could have an opportunity if its tools can be used to count ballots.

Sorry, no link. Just stuff from chat groups etc. Will only post linkable stuff next time.

Sorry again, don’t quite follow. You mean a Biden presidency is bad for Palantir?

Not bad for them, but they are linked to

Dataism is here and PLTR is one of the number crunchers, so, Biden, Trump, Donald Duck is POTUS, PLTR will find numbers to crunch.

Up another 8% in premarket.

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Just read the Cannabis gains will go up in smoke very quickly. Will watch that closely today.

Market looks ready to explode. Guess due to the Pfizer news.


I have some Pfizer stocks! Go up up up!

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Hope you bought some

So the capital gains will be assessed as income. This usually bites more than countries that offer capital gains discounts.