Gjun Language School (巨匠美語)

Hello. Can somebody tell me about Gjun Language School in Taichung? I have looked for information on them and can’t find much. I don’t even know how to pronounce their name :ponder: .

I think it’s pronounced something like Gee jiang. I don’t know much about them, but they’re probably crap like every other chain buxiban in Taiwan. Only kidding. I’m sure they’re fab.

here you go:

I don’t know much about them, but like any cram school chain whether the individual branch is good or not depends on the folks running it.

I work for them on a strictly contract basis. If they have a class and I am available, I take it. If not, I don’t. I don’t have a regular schedule with them. That being said, each branch definitely has its own level of competence. My branch is pretty awesome. The one that is near my day job, not so much.

I recommend interviewing with them and if they like you they will ask you to observe a class. You’ll see how it all works then. They won’t make you sign a contract until after you do all that. Its in the rule book they have.

[quote=“jackalope”]here you go:

I don’t know much about them, but like any cram school chain whether the individual branch is good or not depends on the folks running it.[/quote]
I saw that stuff abotu GEPT on their website and thought ‘Uh-Oh’ as GEPT is pretty boring. But MilkTeaJack’s reaction has me thinking about giving them a chance.

They offered me a “cash” job, which means illegal, and they wouldn’t let me take the 20+ page contract home so I could actually look it over without them breathing down my neck because it was “company property”.

They freely used their copy machine to photocopy all of my things, but suddenly that didn’t work when it came to making a copy of the contract for me to read…

They also wanted me to prepare tests for the students. The first being in my first week of teaching there when I didn’t even know what the class was about yet, much less what they’ve been learning.

Also, they kept offering me classes when I was in dire need of more classes, but would ONLY offer classes (they tried to get me 2-3 different times) during the few times where I already had classes at other schools, despite them having my available hours.

They didn’t have me watch any classes either. I did a demo with fake students (Gjun employees) that actually acted like human beings and were friendly/cooperative (at some schools they turn into zombies and refuse to talk to you, and then in the end the school doesn’t like you because your demo was boring due to “students” that can understand you perfectly but pretend not to, which means you can’t have any interaction with them). Not a bad demo experience at least.

I never got as far as actually teaching for them since I didn’t like most of the above and found other things, but I guess they seemed nicer than some of the schools I’ve been to, despite not looking terribly impressive.

Also, sorry, this isn’t about the Taichung branch, so I’m sure things will vary with each location.