[Original Title: “Illegal company,GLOSSIKA,intimidates freelancers/competitors” – renamed by gus on 1 Dec 02]
An unregistered company called GLOSSIKA has recently stepped up its aggressive intimidation campaign against both freelancers and competitors it deems “undesired”.
“Undesired” in for GLOSSIKA means any professional translators or competitors who actually take honor in their work and try to provide good quality.
GLOSSIKA exists by not being registered, having no registered office, not paying any taxes and underpaying (on average they pay 50% under the market price) and paying their translators only partly or not at all (claiming bad quality as the reason).
This last few days a number of free-lancers that have spoken out to GLOSSIKA in public, as well as some competitors have “mysteriously” all been raided by either the police, the tax squad or immigration officials. Every time they were specifically after those that have spoken out.
In Taiwan some anonymous phone calls to the right place is all it takes to bring such a raid on…
Fair competition should be based on service, quality and pricing, and not on these mafia-like practices. The tactics GLOSSIKA is using damage both the industry in general as well as the reputation of foreign professionals in Taiwan.
I/we would like to collect more information of other people that have also had wonderful experiences with this illegal GLOSSIKA outfit, so that we can see how to tackle this baby…
If any of you have had dealings with GLOSSIKA, James/Jim/Michael/Peter Campbell or Fiona/Monique Campbell/Chui (forgive me if I forgot some aliases), please post these experiences here, or if you feel more comfortable, email them to: kill_glossika@yahoo.com
(I apologize for the yahoo handle, but it seems that a couple of dozen yahoo and hotmail handles with GLOSSIKA in it were all taken)
Needless to say that I strongly recommend all free-lancers not to work for an illegal outfit like GLOSSIKA. When they are going down, and they will, it would not help any freelancers to be in the fallout zone at that time…
If you are looking for translation work, there is a number of good, honest companies in Taiwan (can’t advertise them here) If you are interested, drop an email to the same address and I’ll email you contact info for some of these good companies.