Go see Okinawa port waters turns blood red if your there now

If your travelling now in Okinawa, you can see something interesting

[Japan: Okinawa port turns blood red after beer factory leak - BBC News]


Orion brews a good one.

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I don’t get that article - seems like inaccurate reporting. Propylene glycol isn’t red, it’s colorless.

Propylene glycol, which is used to absorb excess water, is “generally recognised as safe” for use in food, US health authorities say.

So what made the water red you think then?

Great question.

Glycol is a chilling agent commonly used in breweries. With the leak, may have reacted with something in the water after the runoff.

The article also vaguely mentions “a food coloring dye” but doesn’t go into detail.

I’m not sure, but I would guess it’s either some coloring they use in one of their drinks (I don’t know if Orion also makes those totally synthetic alcoholic fruit drinks like you can get in Taiwan) or that they dye the propylene glycol used for chilling as @zaowangyeh wrote (as a safety measure, so they can see if it leaks into the product during manufacture).


Good post! I searched in Japanese (JP), and it is what you said

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