Going rates for a Taipei litigation lawyer

Considering enter into litigation with a company in Taiwan. What would you say the upper/lower hourly rates would be?

Cheapest would be represent yourself - free

Highest - the sky is the limit. An international firm in Taipei quoted me $800 USD / hr with a $20k USD retainer.

Thanks. Are there standardized rates in Taiwan for lawyers?

Paging @Marco

The local offices of large international firms generally charge higher than smaller, local firms. They can provide useful services for someone requiring assistance with complex business matters, especially involving multiple jurisdictions. Ask a local firm what their experience is with your type of case, and if they charge by each step of the litigation, instead of by the hour.

local around 6000 NTD/h

Just in case, for reference:

Representation is only available if your income and assets are sufficiently low. Free short consultations are available without proof of income/assets.

Here you go! This is my lawyer and he speaks English fluently. @BrokenDreams