Gold Bars or US Dollars better? US Senator gets gold bars as gift

Interesting news, I thought in USA people prefer cash USA money vs. real gold bars

This MP kept Gold bars in his house

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Haha you said “gift.”

Forgot the r.

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OK, so it can be both. Story is like a spy movie with gold bars and big cash.

More like a traitor movie if he was selling shit to the Egyptians.

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is it really “if”, where did the cash and gold bars come from haha. I guess he will resign Japanese style (and seems in Taiwan does this too)

We need a collective OJ on the run moment in America.

They don’t really go for that in New Jersey

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“I withdrew money I made legally over the years and stuffed my coats with it. It’s an old Cuban thing.” lol

OK, man. Let’s see about that. Because if that’s true, how’d you pay yer mortgage?

Hilarious. I recall there was another Cuban thing that happened to corrupt stealing traitorous politicians.

So it’s the Jersey way?

And what about the gold bars, what tradition is this?

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For security , sure gold bars or coins. But they are not a very liquid asset. You cant exactly nip down to the supermarket and buy salt and potatoes with them. You also might get robbed. However, safer than the US dollar , maybe. If they were not then why was the Gold standard removed ?
Land is pretty safe , but what if the government says they are going to build a road?

Makes Taiwan news, Maybe he can retire, old for his job, I guess Biden was the oldest MP? I think some are 80 though

The peasants are revolting. Heads will fall. It’s a matter of whose and there are many to choose from, on all sides.

Everything wrong with US politics in one fat headed package.

The Purge continues.

Hey DK, can we change the title here to clarify who this thread is about? I think it’s about to get real. Although the Senate isn’t as emotion lead as the House, it is a good time for an enema.

Maybe The Filthy Menendez Thread or some such? :bowing:

“I have done nothing wrong and once all the facts are presented will be found innocent,” he declared.

Except no one is found innocent, dipshit.

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