Good Louisa Coffee Locations

Agreed. Their wrapninis are good, hot sandwiches.

Some people wish for super strength. Some people want to fly. But I want this as my super power!


Kama (or Cama) coffee at RT Mart 1 in Neihu do their brews very well. Not too strong. It’s small but there are seats and go at the right time (like avoid weekends etc.)

Here’s the key: they have two espressos. The basic one is old-school (leaning to the bitter side) and IMHO not especially impressive. The other (chuang yuan) is fruiter and pairs really well with milk.

If you want to make sure to get the chuang yuan beans in your drink, try Louisa’s flat white, as that always has it. Or ask for a chuang yuan latie if you like things milkier.



Almost tried one. Must be microwaved or something.

The key is to distinguish the so-called “Third Wave” Lousa shops (newer, bigger, better layout, operated directly by the company) and the older franchises (often tiny, usually no washroom, with a more limited—or no—selection of sweets).

The “Third Wave” stores are such a leap forward that they seem almost like they are a different company.



Zhuang yuan Na tie :wink:

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Dodged a bullet. They be nasty.

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So . . . this is good?


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This one is big with lots of room路易.莎咖啡(高雄後昌門市)/@22.70833,120.298932,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP5IX_ciaKrbUKQv3of_qLM45L7NLsKHPJer0fh!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m9!1m2!2m1!1zTG91aXNhIENvZmZlZSDot6_mmJPvvI4!3m5!1s0x346e0f007ac8f7d7:0x219fd4f1c7b4c964!8m2!3d22.70833!4d120.298932!15sChdMb3Vpc2EgQ29mZmVlIOi3r-aYk--8jloWIhRsb3Vpc2EgY29mZmVlIOi3r-aYk5IBDGNvZmZlZV9zdG9yZQ

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The best Louisa stores are the ones with a Starbucks across the street.


Is that in the North, here in the Southern areas seems more hit and miss.


What do you mean? They put the extra effort to make the shop look nice and comfortable?

I mean you only have to walk another 20-30 meters for a better cup of coffee.

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Yeah, especially now during this glorious season of Pumpkin Spice.

Louisa Coffee is nothing special but Starbucks coffee is worse.

Unless you’re a sugar drinker then Starbucks is great but I’m just a black coffee drinker which means Starbucks coffee sucks.

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Oh ok you prefer Starbucks to Louisa, fair enough but I find Louisa coffee good enough for half the price of Starbucks.

Louisa special coffee especially, or Hueila (Colombian coffee).


Yup those are good drinks!

Love the flat white, made with the specialty (aka zhuang yuan) espresso.



I tried the specialty Americano the other day and wasn’t a fan. May give it another go in a latte or flat white.

I think it works a lot better paired with milk. I agree as an Americano it would not be my top choice.
