Good sources of info about 228 ('ererba')

Perhaps you’ve already seen these posts while combing through the links, but I think these would offer a more complete picture of what happened.

The two links above talk about the ordeals that Tsiúnn Ūi-tshuan (蔣渭川) and his daughter had to go through.

Chen Yi enlisted Taiwanese elites who were KMT members to urge the public to stay calm over the radio on March 2 1947, and then sent troops after these elites on March 10 when reinforcement from China arrived. Tsiúnn was the brother of the famous Japanese era Taiwanese self-governance advocate Tsiúnn Ūi-suí (蔣渭水). Immediately after making the broadcast as Chen Yi requested, Tsiúnn Ūi-tshuan also secretly asked for the Americans to deliver a message to CKS, begging him not send additional troops to Taiwan.



Control 2292

Rec’d March 8, 1947
1:12 a.m.

FROM: Nanking
TO: Secretary of State
NO: 479, March 7, 4 p.m.

Following is 36 Mar 5 from Taipei.

"Following is translated text of letter handed to Consulate today by delegation of Political Reconstruction Promotion Assn of Taiwan, an established responsible organization, taking large part in mediation for settlement of present situation.

'March 5, 1947.
'The US Consulate Taipei Taiwan

'For the protection of the lives of the six million and more Formosans, we cordially request you to forward the enclosed letter to Ambassador Dr. Leighton Stuart for transmission to the National Govt of the Republic of China.

‘From (chopped) the Political Reconstruction Promotion Assn of Taiwan’

Following is translated text of enclosure : 'To His Excellency, President Chiang of the National Govt of the Republic of China through the kindness of Ambassador Dr. Leighton Stuart of the American Embassy in Nanking:

'Your Excellency:

'This civil commotion in Taiwan Province is purely in protest against corrupt officialdom and a demand for political reformation with no other purposes whatsoever. We entreat you

not to dispatch troops to Taiwan in order to avoid further provocation of the people. We also earnestly beg that you immediately send a high official to Taiwan to settle the incident for the sake of the nation.

‘From (chopped) the Political Reconstruction Promotion Assn of Taiwan Province. March 5’

“Consulate has agreed to forward this communication to American Embassy for its discretionary action”.



A Youth League of considerable potential significance came into being. Stressing …
as basic principles a desire to make Taiwan a model province of China and to …
hasten Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s program of National Reconstruction. The founder, …
former president of the Chamber of Commerce, Chiang We-chuan, said:
“We absolutely support the Central Government but will eradicate all currupt officials in this province. This is our aim which I hope every one of you fully grasp.” (Ching Wei Jih Pao, March 6, 1947)

Despite the Americans delivering that message, CKS sent troops anyway. Five days after Tsiúnn made his broadcast, Chen Yi sent soldiers to his house in an attempt to capture and execute him. Tsiúnn managed to escape alone, but his daughter Tsiúnn Kháu-hûn (蔣巧雲) was killed on site. His son Tsiúnn Siông-pîng (蔣松平) was mortally wounded. After hiding for an entire year, Tsiúnn only re-emerged after Qiu Nian-tai (丘念台, son of Qiu Feng-jia 丘逢甲) guaranteed his safety.

I also wrote about Walis Wumi, who was an anti-Japanese Truku and celebrated the KMT’s arrival. He became the first KMT appointed head of Xiolin (秀林) rural townships in Hualian. Walis’ grandson Nanan Dadaw have always been told that his grandfather committed suicide by hanging himself. Nanan grew up and became a pastor, and one day his uncle came to ask for his assistance to gain access to the 228 national archive, that’s when Nanan realized that his grandfather was a victim of the 228 incident. His uncle saw Walis Wumi dragged away from KMT troops onto a vehicle when he was 5, and never saw his father again. The 228 national archive provided solid proof that Walis Wumi was indeed a victim of CKS’ Village Clearing (清鄉) operation.

Other Aboriginal leaders around Taiwan who died as a result of 228:

During the 228 incident, Tsou leaders Uyongʉ’e Yatauyungana and Yapasuyongʉ Yulunana formed Aboriginal militias that cooperated with Han militias to maintain peace in Jiayi city, and blockade Shuishang airport. They were both killed by the KMT during the subsequent White Terror era.

Even aboriginals who had nothing to do with armed militias during 228 were killed by the KMT during the White Terror era. The most famous is Altayal Medical Doctor Losing Watan, who was a member in the Provincial parliament. Others like Truku leader Walis Wumi who was adamantly against Japanese rule and celebrated the arrival of KMT was also killed by the KMT.

I think I wrote about other victims, but it would take time for me to dredge them out.