Google Plans to Prevent "Trump Situation" in 2020, aka Google is đŸ’© thread

“everyone has a plan 'till they get punched” with a great troll twitterer

If you have a good plan, the punch won’t connect.

But the counterpunch will.


“Billionaire Tech
Investor Peter Thiel believes Google should be investigated for
treason. He accuses Google of working with the Chinese Government.”
A great and brilliant guy who knows this subject better than anyone!
The Trump Administration will take a look!

— Donald
J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July
16, 2019


just tweeted today. Bahaha


It’s not just google, and it’s not just geeks who vote Democrat,

These aren’t just Democratic voters, but former employees from the DNC, from the offices of Pelosi, Hillary, Obama, Feinstein, Giffords, Schumer, Reid, Planned Parenthood, even Rachel Maddow, who are migrating en masse to gate-keeping positions in social media companies.

Youtube, Twitter, Facebook. They all do it. The fact is the Democrats are much better at doing this, we already knew the traditional media have key positions of people related to leading Democrats. It doesn’t surprise me at all they recognize and want to control the new forms of media.


one thing both sides of political aisle might agree on


Tulsi Now Inc., the campaign committee for Ms. Gabbard, said Google suspended the campaign’s advertising account for six hours on June 27 and June 28, obstructing its ability to raise money and spread her message to potential voters.

After the first Democratic debate, Ms. Gabbard was briefly the most searched-for candidate on Google. Her campaign wanted to capitalize on the attention she was receiving by buying ads that would have placed its website at the top of search results for her name.

The lawsuit also said the Gabbard campaign believed its emails were being placed in spam folders on Gmail at “a disproportionately high rate” when compared with emails from other Democratic candidates.

The Gabbster also getting mad at the :poop: company.

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What’s going on here. and has been going on for quite some time:

The good news is it works both ways, just like Alinsky’s tactics. You just have to see this, and be willing to do it in reverse.

Or: you can take Gibson’s Bakery approach and sic a jury of sane people on them when they overextend a salient. Oberlin College may be being destroyed as we speak. But that’s tricky to put into place. Too dependent on the legal process.

As per subject - my lady dentist told me about it well perhaps she like US politics more than Taiwan politics :thinking: Anyway every time I visit her for dental checkup she’s telling me about the current politic news regarding Republican and Democrats, which I don’t have choice but to listen to her :sweat_smile:

Curious as to how Taiwanese lean regarding us politics.

Most of them just follow the mainstream media narrative or things they hear other Taiwanese say that sort of make sense. And a smaller growing number actually get whats going on.

perhaps Twitter reversed its dumbness, because this is about to happen:

The order tasks the FCC with determining whether social media companies are protected by a provision of Section 230 when they take down content without informing the user or censor content in a way that is characterized as “anticompetitive, unfair, or deceptive.”

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act effectively states that websites and services aren’t liable for content that users or third parties post on their platforms. The drafted executive order wants to dismantle some of the protections that fall under this internet regulation and would apply to companies with a monthly user base that meets or exceeds one-eighth of the U.S. population. That would include the likes of Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

So in other words, Trump wants socialism.

Helping the dems a lot with this strategy.

The best part of that article:

“To be clear, there is no evidence that social media networks are actively engaged in deliberate censorship of any particular political point of view.”



Can you provide some please? Thank you.

please please please please please. (Should be enough)
You’re welcome.

No evidence, noted!

I’ll help out anyway. Google explained this already. If enough people generally believe you’re a dumpster fire, when you google your name, you will see dumpster fires. Democracy in action. Of course Republicans hate facing the reality they’re loathed to that degree.

They should tread very carefully when approaching social media, or anything else that suggests censorship in the slightest. I think they underestimate the blowback they would face by going anywhere near censorship or government control of private sector companies (aka socialism).

Elizabeth I, socialist:

–Wikipedia, “John Stubbs” John Stubbs - Wikipedia

Seventeenth-century English socialism:

(bracketed word added by me)

Mark Zuckerberg testified before the Senate that he understands concerns about bias “because Facebook and the tech industry are located in Silicon Valley, which is an extremely left-leaning place.” He also testified that he tries “to root out” such bias. Further, he allowed that wondering about such things is “a fair concern.”

It’s difficult for me to understand how Mr. Zuckerberg could try to root out non-existent bias, and I’m hard put to see how it could, at least for the most part, be anything but left-leaning bias, given Mr. Zuckerberg’s remarks about the prevalent politics of Silicon Valley and given that Mr. Zuckerberg’s response takes place in the context of Sen. Cruz’s allegation and question about anti-conservative bias.

Immediately below is a transcript of the pertinent portion of the video containing the allegations and question by Sen. Cruz and Mr. Zuckerberg’s response to them, all of which, by my reckoning, take place from 1:47:49 to 1:49:28 in the video linked below the transcript:

–C-Span, “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Hearing on Data Privacy and Protection,” April 10, 2018

Below is a link to the Gizmodo article to which Sen. Cruz seemed to refer: