Got into an argument with a bus driver

I doubt it. It wasn’t a bus stop, so he didn’t have to open the doors for him.

I think you missed this.


It was a bus stop.

Go to the bus depot with an expensive bottle of whiskey and apologies? He might be reasonable.


Once the doors are closed, the bus is as good as gone. If they’re not behind schedule, they might be nice and reopen them. But don’t count on it.

I’m sorry this happened. I don’t think there is much you can do beyond calling a lawyer. Even they may not be able to help you, no less the people on this forum.

Is that actually a crime in Taiwan?

It’s also admitting fault. An unscrupulous person might continue unless you also bring a contract.

True, but IME most people avoid lawfare. It seems that there’s likely to be evidence proving he’s at fault, anyway.

Yes , absolutely.




Ah, right. I missed the part where he kept driving until he reached the next bus stop before pulling over to call the police.

In this case, you might be able to sue him for unlawful detention.

I’ve had a boss admit to the police that I worked illegally for him. I didn’t, but he was that willing to shoot himself in the foot to spite me.

I know not to underestimate small dick energy.


What crime is it? Threatening the other person? I ask because understanding the intent of the law can help in avoiding similar situations that might also be illegal.

Public Insult

Face and reputation are highly regarded in Asian society. Outside of the free speech argument, damage to reputation can have effects on your life here.


That’s true , but most bus drivers tend to be old school and forgiving. Unlike most xenophobic psycho cram school bosses. :joy:

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I got into a couple scraps with bus drivers too. But I didn’t publicly insult him so the cops metaphorically told him to f off and keep driving.

The other one he did a similar thing to me as OP but I caught up with the second bus to get back on and told him he didn’t see me. He absolutely lost it and I recorded part of it but I didn’t take legal action. Too much on plate then.

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I think most old timers here have had run ins with bus drivers. I think bus drivers have run ins with just about everyone.
On the other hand imagine have to drive that tin can through Taipei or even worse through New Taipei city every day for years on end.


The pay is so good. I would just say shutup and do your job lmao.

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Public insult is a crime here even if what you are saying about your target is true. The only scenario where it is legal is when your intention was not to insult, but to inform and warn others of the truth. That usually only works if your target is a well-known official/celebrity or a well-known business.

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Ok, so how likely is it that this guy takes legal action?