Got into an argument with a bus driver

So yesterday I was running to get a bus, and just as I got to the door the driver closed it. I knocked on the door, but the driver just drove off.

That annoyed me and I just reacted by giving him the finger. The driver then stopped the bus further down the road, not at a bus stop, and got off to start yelling at me and walked right up to me to try and threaten and intimidate me.

I just thought great the door is open so I got on the bus. The driver then continued to rant and rave to the other passengers about me, and I told him that he should have let me on the bus, that I didn’t give him the finger and it was just a misunderstanding.

He wouldn’t shut up, so I said I wanted to complain to his boss. At that point he pulled the bus over to a bus stop and called the police, so I decided to leave the bus, but he refused to open the doors.

I then tried to push the door opening button and he physically wrestled me off the controls. The police arrived and I denied giving the finger and said he’d threatened me then refused to let me off the bus. So the police took my ID and said I have 6 months to file a complaint, and that they can check the video footage on the external bus cameras to see if I did give the finger or not.

I’m just wondering if anyone can give me any legal advice about what I should do and what’s likely to happen next.


What is wrong with you? Are you trying to get sued?

Be an adult and call the customer service to complain.

They have cameras on every side.

That’s not a good look.

Nobody can give you true legal advice here. None of us are lawyers. This is my lawyer’s contact card.

This is not going to end well for both of you.


lol that can literally be jail time in Taiwan.

Good luck!


Yeah, but that’s only if he wants to take it further right?

Yes, I’m aware it was a really stupid thing to do.

Dude. I don’t have enough fingers on my hands to describe the number of times I was presented with SDE - Small Dick Energy.

It is common to retaliate in Taiwan with disproportionate force.


Yikes… and if you did get caught on camera you are fucked :rofl:

Also you lied on a police report…


So. You’ve admitted to flipping someone off, which apparently can be problematic in Taiwan. You tried to operate the controls of the bus, which seems potentially problematic. You lied to the police. Not legal advice, but general advice - maybe just drop this one and hope the driver does too.


I am going to drop it, I’m just wondering what my options are if it goes further.

You might argue the bus driver unlawfully confined you and use it as leverage to get him to drop it before it becomes an incredibly expensive shenanigan for both of you.

But talk to the lawyer about that. BE HONEST.


How long do I have to wait until I find out if I’m getting sued?

Depends. I had the paper at the company and restaurant’s mailboxes within a week. I’m not sure about criminal complaints.

I will share this until the day I die.


The police said we’re equal, whatever that means, and didn’t seem to think it was that serious

You are equal assuming that you didn’t pull the middle finger. Once you pulled that middle finger… All bets were off

Yes, but he also threatened me in public, which I’m assuming is also a crime.

Here’s the thing… camera’s typically video record and not audio record. The audio is basically your word against his. But if there is video evidence…

My suggestion? Keep a cool head and don’t get overly angry?

Easier said than done lol. But avoid that middle finger at all costs in Taiwan.


Won’t the bus driver also be facing an assault charge? Depending on what the driver said he could also be facing a suit for public humiliation/insult right?

I just realized that refusing to open the bus doors might also be false imprisonment/kidnapping? Not sure how the law works here still though. But typically physically refusing to let someone leave could be construed as kidnapping.


Police can’t give legal advice.

They will sleep at night regardless of the consequences against you due to their actions.


You had a bad day huh. :joy:
Don’t use the middle finger here.
If they charge you just say you panicked in a foreign country and all.
Apologize and don’t do it again. Not worth it is it ?
I’ve done a lot of crazy stuff when young , now old but still do it but much much less so. Oh and for what happens next just offer to shake hands and forget the whole thing if he’s willing then move on. If not then call the famous lawyer @Marco


Provided by. Not me. :stuck_out_tongue: