How strong are Taiwan's freedom of speech laws?

EDIT: Too late to edit the original post, but I just realized that I wrote “cuss words” instead of “insults” in the original reply.

Look, I love freedom of speech and swearing as much as the next guy, but if Taiwan truly allowed for unlimited swearing and insults, this thread wouldn’t exist, or at least it’d end at “cops were called; they just said ‘Article 11, cope and seethe, you fucking gutless worm, thanks for wasting everybody’s time’ and left”.

Hell, I’m glad that when my bike got ran off the road by some guy doing almost double the speed limit and weaving through 萬大路/WanDa Road in a Maserati last week, I couldn’t be incriminated by “他媽的,你不會開車嗎?/ fuck, do you not know how to drive?”, but I’d probably have the same issues as OOP and probably have to bribe him and/or try to appease a judge if I just did my American response of yelling “fuck you!” at the top of my lungs, waving the finger at him, then “drop a gear and disappear”.