Greater Taipei Cycling Routes: A List

My first entry will be one that I just did a week ago. Figured I’d keep it simple.

Route name: Tour of Taipei Tour of Taipei | 67.1 km Road Cycling Route on Strava
Start point: Your nearest Taipei riverside entrance/exit!
End point: Your nearest Taipei riverside entrance/exit!
Traffic level: Low
Main climb(s):

Total estimated distance: 65km
Total estimated elevation gain: 300-500m
Max elevation: 150m
Difficulty: Beginner-Moderate

Description: This is a great beginner to moderate ride for those not quite ready for the big mountains, but want to add some distance to their weekly goals. What’s great about this route is that a majority of the route does not require you to cross any roads or bridges to connect to the next path. If you feel like you can’t finish it, it’s not difficult to bail at the nearest exit or you can take the same route back without worrying about getting lost.

Keep in mind that depending on the direction you ride, the road you climb will be different! To complete the full circle, there’s two climbs you can choose from. The Graveyard Climb or the 109. Both top out at around 150m above sea level and are great beginner climbs with very little traffic.

Make sure to make a quick stop under the Beixin Bridge (Google Maps) to check out the graffiti! Changes often and always interesting to see what the graffiti artists come up with.


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