Gazebo to weather station
Route name: 不厭五分/Bùyàn wǔ fēn/Never Tired of Five Points 不厭五分 | 96.2 km Cycling Route on Strava
Start point: Shi Ding 7-11,121.651521,20z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x345d54e004223d49:0x5cc3a05f7cc24439!8m2!3d25.0062346!4d121.6515074?shorturl=1
End point: N/A
Traffic level: Moderate
Main climb(s):
Total estimated distance: 100km
Total estimated elevation gain: 2,400m
Max elevation: 720m
Difficulty: Wish you never got up this morning
There’s a lot of ways and routes you can do this ride, but I find this way to be the least amount of traffic and better flowing.
Starting at Shi Ding 7-11, you got a long long ways until you get to the bottom of the first climb, so save your energy. I suggest stopping at least twice (depending on weather) before you head up the climb towards the pagoda. There’s convenient stores in Ping Xi (,121.730207,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x345d56b46faa1805:0x6522677ee0e1ea01!8m2!3d25.0242533!4d121.737614?shorturl=1) as well as near Shuang Xi train station (,121.8654674,18.26z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x345d5ba822f3d93d:0x83f95f04ddffff1b!2s7-Eleven!8m2!3d25.039113!4d121.8661139!3m4!1s0x345d5ba822f3d93d:0x83f95f04ddffff1b!8m2!3d25.039113!4d121.8661139?shorturl=1) after you’ve left Shi Ding.
The first climb itself is not difficult, but quite long. It has maybe one or two parts that shoot up to 8-9% gradient and the worst part is…being able to see the pagoda from about 3-5km out. You think you’re almost there, but you go into hair pin oblivion to get to the peak. As long as it’s not 100% overcast, your efforts will be strongly rewarded once you’ve made it to the top.

(It’s actually 1000x more awesome when there’s a slight overcast)
Onto the second peak. Your decent is down into Jiufen Old Street, so do pay attention to your surroundings and take it slow. There’s going to be lots of people and lots of cars once you get passed the nice scenery.
If you didn’t rest too long a the pagoda, you can get some rest before turning into the final climb at this Family Mart (,121.7923481,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x345d4fe8b2f33295:0xe402480f95d4a4e8!8m2!3d25.1106482!4d121.7935076?shorturl=1) . On a clear day, you can see the weather station from all the way down the mountain. It’s a bit intimidating that you’ll actually climb all the way up there. Make sure if you’re low on water, to fill up, the climb you’re about to embark on, can be very rough, especially if it’s hot.
The climb towards the final climb, is actually harder than the final climb. If that makes any sense. So…make sure you take it easy. The full segment from the Family Mart I posted above is around 13km, which accounts for most of the flats in the beginning. There’s gate that signals you’re in the last 4km of the climb, so once you get there, give it everything you got! The views on this mountain are just as spectacular as the previous, so all the hard work will be worth it.

Make sure you get plenty of rest because you still got a long ways to get home! You can descend the the same you came or go back down towards Shi Fen and go back on the 106. The No. 5 isn’t as busy as you think it is, but what’s good about it is, there’s plenty of shops to stop if you need to rest, whereas the 106 there’s less cars, but less places to stop.