Gun pulled on Taichung foreigner, police don't care

Damn straight, chief. I mean, where are YOU gonna drive late at night after a nice capping and with a stiff to dump? Filthy old Wugu? I think not! Plus, they have those little river shrimps and stuff up at Wulai, and them’s good eatin’.

Right, and after the long days hard work you go and soak a bit in the spa’s around there. Just make sure it’s upstream from where you “lost” the fella.

“Honey, where are you going?”
“Ah, I got this t’ing I gotta do…wit’ Tuddie, we gotta go to Wu Lai”
“Oh, take Little Duck Head, she hasn’t seen you all week, you can go for a ride on the little train after you finish your work.”
“Uh, OK, hey, Little Duck Head, get your shoes on, we’re going to Wu Lai.”
“Yeah, just don’t touch anything in the car, OK?”

You’re going to have to find another source. All those numbers come from UN, and last time I checked, Ma’s bid to beg China for entry failed. I have no time now. I’ll do the calculation later. Just believe me. It’s true.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]I also asked about stats once and I recall there was something really weird about the way they book road accidents. From a bad memory it was something to do with no longer booking road accident as the cause of death if the person survived a certain period of time but later died in hospital, even where the death was a direct result of injuries received in a road accident. Again still vague, but I recall it was a neat trick, as the way they did it somehow managed not to overload the stats on deaths in hospitals.

HG[/quote]If someone take more than 24 hours to die, the police don’t count it, but the health ministry counts all off them. That’s why police figures are a third of the real value.

I’ll personally have to see it to believe it. Homicides fine but guns?

I’ll personally have to see it to believe it. Homicides fine but guns?[/quote]

If it’s true the link between gun ownership and death by gun will be broken, as guns are fairly rare here apart from among the law “enforcement” and the military.

I would venture to guess that a fair bit of homicides are between people knowing each other and or in family with each other, and not mererly confined to the gangsters, who might pack heat.

When people kill people they know they tend to use an implement which is close at hand, something guns isn’t here for most people bumping off loved ones or old friends in the spur of the moment.

I therefore don’t believe in the figures, unless you by links to reliable stats prove me otherwise.

I have some here, homicides: … g/y081.pdf

Enter the watermelon knives (西瓜刀) of maniacal family justice.

Do a Google news search, it really is the preferred method.


My sister-in-law, my wife’s older sister, was murdered in Taibei around 14 years ago by a gun.
Seems the sister-in-law’s boyfriend borrowed some money from the wrong dude’s, didn’t pay it back, and was done in. Then the gangster’s decided they needed to do the girlfriend and also another friend so as not to leave any witnesses.

As usual, the police were useless fucks, and it took my wife about a year of detective work to find the body.

The wter melon knife is the Taiwan gun I say.

Too bad with your sister in law, weirdly enough it seems that the useless twats solve over 9 out of 10 homicide cases.

Most incidents here all depend on “guanxi”. And “most” foreigners here have none. The ones that do know how it goes down and usually go with it whether they like it or not. In either case, there’s not much anyone can do about it.

“Mano-a-mano” dont mean much here. Honor = winning no matter how (guns/numbers/etc)… seems to be the prevalent attitude of many Asian cultures no matter which country they are in. And winning = knowing the right people or numbers to back you.

It’s not right nor wrong, it just is. Westerners can afford to compete on strength/size (and most enjoy doing so), but the average Asian cannot. So why bother? They will just get by with what they can compete with… Either way, winning is the main goal of all parties involved. So… when in Rome…

We had this discussion about hand gun murders back here
The numbers produced were
In 1995, Taiwan had 8.12 homicides per 100,000.
In 1994, Northern Ireland had 6.09 homicides per 100,000.
In 1999, the US had 5.7 homicides per 100,000.
Although the whole thread is worth a read if you want to find out more about reported gun-related deaths in Taiwan.

Bear in mind that I’m not saying Taiwan is dangerous violent place. My point is the opposite. I have never meet a Taiwanese gun owner and despite compulsory military service, most people I know couldn’t load a firearm if their life depended on it. All these guns and deaths are concentrated in some weird, hard-to-get-at subculture. Maybe there are readers out there more familiar with this world than I am, but I suspect that generally there’s a pretty big linguistic barrier here and an even bigger social barrier.

So my one friend ended up on the bonnet of a cellphone-occupied female driven car, and was then sped to hospital, his right shoulder hanging in shreds. Another friend rushed over, almost feinted looking at the blood, and started chatting to this guy from England who was lying crying in the ER. His head criss-crossed with wriggly lines of stitches, both front arms shattered, broken ribs, bloodied eyes etc. Turned out that this Redneck had just landed in Taiwan (a week old) when upon leaving a pigsty of a pub was set on by a group of pissed locals armed to the binglang-stained teeth with wrenches and baseball bats.

Friend 2 felt sorry for this dumbshit Redneck and took him home… I mean who else was going to wipe his ass and spoonfeed him?! Not the people at his buxiban that’s for sure.

Anyhow… The Redneck spent more than 2 weeks living on the generosity of Friend 2 who (can you believe it?) managed to get the police involved and the British Embassy, and these people actually went to Friend 2’s house to visit the Redneck! The police actually caught the locals responsible, and they were held while awaiting trial.

So what did the Redneck do? He borrowed clothes from Friend2, loaded the pants pockets with condoms and set off for Taipei. The fact that he couldn’t use his arms didn’t seem to be a deterrent at all. The fact that he’d gotten the crap beaten out of him in the first place for being so freely amorous didn’t seem to have left him with any form of PTSD. (Maybe syphillis though - can we plead insanity?) The fact that he has a PhD in Cuban History also really is no indicator of him having any survival instinct, or an iota of common sense.

The Redneck left Taiwan soon after some of his stitches came out.

The police let the locals go, the British Embassy has egg all over their face, and Friend 2 is still waiting for a simple “Thank you”.

So the source of this 2nd-hand story is a guy that was meet in the ER. And his story is that he did nothing wrong and some bad people attacked him for no reason. This fine moral character then lived off your friend for weeks and then took off without even thanking him. Is this correct?

This “2hand story” was told in the third person giving it the appearance of both having an omniscient narrator and, perhaps in your case, a “2hand perspective”. This omniscient narrator handed The Redneck a couple of beers, some meat, and even potato salad during a get-together where Friend 2 could be seen attending to his wounds. This omniscient narrator even engaged in some “2hand” conversation with The Redneck during which it became clear that sharing these fine foodstuffs had been a mistake of collosal proportions. While The Redneck claimed an innocence which would make Mother Theresa look like a Sunset Boulevard pimp, it quickly became clear that yes, indeed, these very bad people with the baseball bats may have been provoked.

The crux of the “2hand” story is the fact that for once the police arrived upon the scene, AND did some good while the “poor” (lower lip trembling) foreigner was the real dipshit.

Oh, hi, Martha! No, no cupcake. Relax. Chill. This ain’t no urban legend, girl. Yo mamma was jus tellin dem whide boys some offen God’s own trooth.

[quote=“ScottSommers”]We had this discussion about hand gun murders back here … r&start=20
The numbers produced were
In 1995, Taiwan had 8.12 homicides per 100,000.
In 1994, Northern Ireland had 6.09 homicides per 100,000.
In 1999, the US had 5.7 homicides per 100,000.
Although the whole thread is worth a read if you want to find out more about reported gun-related deaths in Taiwan.

Bear in mind that I’m not saying Taiwan is dangerous violent place. My point is the opposite. I have never meet a Taiwanese gun owner and despite compulsory military service, most people I know couldn’t load a firearm if their life depended on it. All these guns and deaths are concentrated in some weird, hard-to-get-at subculture. Maybe there are readers out there more familiar with this world than I am, but I suspect that generally there’s a pretty big linguistic barrier here and an even bigger social barrier.[/quote]

Aiyo, Scott, even the thread you linked to tells a different story.

[quote]Taipei, Nov. 23, 1997 (CNA) Taiwan’s homicide rate is the second highest in the world after only the United States, a recent report indicates.

According to the report by local criminologists, Taiwan’s crime rate is relatively low in other types of crime, although its homicide rate is the world’s second highest, with 6.8 cases per 100,000 population.

Statistics compiled by the Criminal Investigation Bureau show that homicide cases increased from 1,441 in 1994 to 1,743 in 1996, while the latest tallies released by the Ministry of Justice indicate that a total of 579 people (not including those involved in manslaughter cases) were convicted of homicide in the first nine months of this year, up 14 percent from the same period of last year.

Yang Shih-lung, a professor at National Cheng Chung University, said he is planning to launch a study of 1,800 adult and 200 adolescent convicted murderers in a bid to learn more about the factors behind Taiwan’s high homicide rate.

According to Yang, more than half of homicides in the US were committed with guns, while in Taiwan some 52 percent of the total involved the use of knives, followed guns and metal objects at 12 percent and 10 percent, respectively.

12% of the total are gun related. In other words, gun homicides are less than 1% per 100,000.

And that was back in the mid-90s. The rates would likely be much lower now, closer to the .12% Mr He posted.

Case closed.

I’m quietly sure the government raised the penalty for possessing an illegal handgun to death in 1997, has it dropped off? I know they rarely, if ever, dole it out, but they raised the prospect back then in addition to some civil war bandit laws, which passed under a sunset clause. It was all aimed at crime panic and being sure to have the legal grounds to execute Chen Chin-hsing.


That’s still a much higher rate than most other countries

We can argue statistics till were blue in the face. Besides, can we really believe the numbers reported.
The fact is that guns do exist here. One killed someone in my own family.
Conduct yourself in a reasonable manner and hopefully you won’t have to worry about being on the wrong side of one.
Also, as in the case of my above-mentioned sister-in-law, be careful of who you hang out with.

[quote=“daihatsu”]So my one friend ended up on the bonnet of a cellphone-occupied female driven car, and was then sped to hospital, his right shoulder hanging in shreds. Another friend rushed over, almost feinted looking at the blood, and started chatting to this guy from England who was lying crying in the ER. His head criss-crossed with wriggly lines of stitches, both front arms shattered, broken ribs, bloodied eyes etc. Turned out that this Redneck had just landed in Taiwan (a week old) when upon leaving a pigsty of a pub was set on by a group of pissed locals armed to the binglang-stained teeth with wrenches and baseball bats.
Friend 2 felt sorry for this dumbshit Redneck and took him home… I mean who else was going to wipe his ass and spoonfeed him?! Not the people at his buxiban that’s for sure.
Anyhow… The Redneck spent more than 2 weeks living on the generosity of Friend 2 who (can you believe it?) managed to get the police involved and the British Embassy, and these people actually went to Friend 2’s house to visit the Redneck! The police actually caught the locals responsible, and they were held while awaiting trial.
So what did the Redneck do? He borrowed clothes from Friend2, loaded the pants pockets with condoms and set off for Taipei. The fact that he couldn’t use his arms didn’t seem to be a deterrent at all. The fact that he’d gotten the crap beaten out of him in the first place for being so freely amorous didn’t seem to have left him with any form of PTSD. (Maybe syphillis though - can we plead insanity?) The fact that he has a PhD in Cuban History also really is no indicator of him having any survival instinct, or an iota of common sense.
The Redneck left Taiwan soon after some of his stitches came out.
The police let the locals go, the British Embassy has egg all over their face, and Friend 2 is still waiting for a simple “Thank you”.[/quote]

HAHAHA, didnt want to clog up my serios post with crap, but while browsing here I cam upon this, so just a few corrections:

  1. I’m not a redneck, I’m from Newcastle Upon Tyne, a large, populated city with a population about 80 % as large as hsinchu.

  2. I appreciated the person’s generosity greatly and thanked him when I left. I left because I had none of the thousands pounds of savings I had, because I was only ever paid 2 weeks wages by my school at a much lower rate and much higher level of taxation than id originally been offered before i left the UK.

The friend said he would email me and never did and I asked the only person whose email I have, (at the embassy ) if they had his, to which I recieved no response.

  1. I wasn’t set upon for being involved with any women, whatever the fuck amorous whatever is supposed to mean.

This all seems a bit bizarre anyway, the person involved was a nice guy and never asked for anything from me. I went to see a girl in Taipei, who had I had already met a few weeks before. I took condoms because I had ALREADY had sex with her, and intended to do so again, so as not to catch the VD you mention. Perhaps youve heard of the female superior position?

I any case, my main reason for going was to look for more employment, which was never offered, hence leaving me to live on dwindling savings.

As regarding post-truamatic stress disorder, are you saying all foreigners should therefore be afraid for their own physical safety to meet native taiwanese girls for dates?

Thanks for pointing out that the police did fuck all after I left, which doesn’t really make me look like a ‘dipshit’ but seems to confirm all the worst stories on here.

and the ‘pigsty’ pub just looked like a pretty regular bar to me.

Ive visited bars alone, late at night, by myself, in both the USA and Havana, Cuba, and all over the UK, and never come across any level of violence as bad as this either as a victim or witness.

my ribs were always fine.

dont suppose you have the friends email? maybe you can make some use of yourself instead of talking utter, uttter shite?