Had an accident? Going to have one? Look here first

Although it’ll be added to the court proceedings, it’s good to have this option, you know, just in case one is afraid the footage may somehow “disappear”…

Agree. This should be done asap if the other party is a gangster intermingling with police. Not in our case.
You should be able to request the footage from any police district as the footage is saved centrally.

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This thread makes me wonder as I was employed to race and had a bad accident . Could not work for ages due to broken back and hand . I was happy enough that the health care was very good , but never looked at whether there was any additional help as I felt Taiwan had paid enough to fix me . Perhaps my employer had some responsibility but they were pretty good to me so I wouldn’t pursue . I doubt whether racing a car would be covered by anything :blush:

This is why you should always wear a helmet:

So, there I was, driving my car in the way home.
Before arriving in my building, I hit the turn signal and once I got in front of the garage, I proceeded to turn right to enter it.
Suddenly, for my surprise, I heard the sound of braking tires, then saw from my side mirror a scooter coming to a few centimeters of my car.
Nothing happened, the scooter didn’t hit my car, it went on its way and I continued to enter my building’s garage.
I really didn’t see the scooter before pulling in, so I guess it was coming fast on the slow lane.
Although nothing happened, it made me think: What if the scooter had hit me? Who would be at fault?

Probably you. May have mentioned this in this thread previously ~ foreign colleague was turning into the entrance to our office car park and a lady on a scooter a car length back braked too heavily and fell off, breaking her wrist. Colleague, being a nice guy, stopped to make sure she was OK. IN return she sued him. Even though she never made contact with his car he was found responsible and had to pay a quite large sum in compensation after the case went to court. It was stated that he turned in too sharply thus scaring her into braking too hard…

Yeah, I forgot that being a foreigner means it is always my fault…
Okay, suppose I was taiwanese. Would it be different?

Not clear how much, if any, impact him being a foreigner made. If he was Taiwanese he likely would have had enough insight to know not to stop or to nego before court if necessary.

Yesterday was mediation meeting. I was not present, I have work. With a lot of good will from our side we came to an agreement.
I can share more details when they made their payment in the next 10 days.

Someone wrote that only those directly affected could be in the mediation meeting. That is not the case.
Both family members who were involved were not able to attend (University; Work overseas). The other party had their mother present.


Follow up to this

The agreed sum from mediation has been paid in full and on time.

We inquired with some people who lived in the neighborhood of the other party to have good chances to come to an agreement during mediation. The guy was in a bad position in life. He lost his job and was working for one one those food delivery apps. He recently got divorced and feared that any ‘criminal’ case would negatively impact custody of his child. He was just covered by basic mandatory car insurance.

We wanted our cost and troubles to be reasonably covered. Not to extort as much as possible. My father-in-law had sympathy for that guy and did not want to harm him.
We have additional accident insurance that made it less of a pain for the injured. (private room, best treatment options, quickly scheduled surgery).
And it would be great if it would be over without tedious court proceedings where we have to pay for legal representation.

The other party came with their mother as mentioned. She was unpleasant from the beginning as she implied we were there to rip of her son when the mediation just began. She is probably the one who would lend her son the money to cover the payment.
We started off with a higher sum that was still on the lower end of what is possible. Ultimately we settled for 150k that covered time off work and a replacement for the damaged scooter.
(100k hospital bill was already paid by his car insurance earlier)

The guy came last week with his child to our home to apologize one more time and brought some fruit as a present. This should settle the case.

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Hi Slawa,
I’m curious who determined the percentages of what each party had to pay.
I was in an accident in October, and after a lot of waiting we had a hearing at the Taichung Traffic Accident Committee.
Long story short, I was found to be primarily at fault (complete nonsense by the way), but the other party was also deemed to be partially responsible.
Can you tell me how the payouts were determined? Did you have to go to a different court for this?


Usually the person who is at fault will pay the other party the for damages. It depends which party have how much damage to claim and how much at fault they were.
The height of the payment can be decided in mediation if both parties agree or by a judge in court.
We settled during mediation as I wrote earlier and did not have to go to court. I depends if the other party is willing to settle or they just want to get most out of it.

Years of successfully dodging those madmen on the roads of Taiwan and it eventually happened. I :red_car: had a minor crash with a scooter :motor_scooter: yesterday. No injuries.

After a day out doing a picnic with my family we were on our way home. I was at an intersection doing a left turn, where each road gets a green light while all other roads have red.
I saw that scooter quite late because she was coming from an unexpected direction. Stomped on the brakes, but still slightly bumped into her.
That woman left a gas station at the corner of the intersection driving wrong way on the pedestrian crossing despite having a red light. She did not even check the intersection and only saw my car after I was about to bump into her scooter.
She waved at us as everything is fine and pushed her scooter up. My wife got out and told her to wait for the police, but she jumped on the scooter and drove off, going wrong way again into another street. I was able to write down the plates, while my wife called the police.
A guy having a smoke witnessed the whole thing and later gave his account to the police. There were also two young lads on a scooter who also saw the accident. They were dumbfounded the scooter driver left and actually followed her. Later they returned and told us she is hiding in a side street behind some closed food stalls, looking out if someone was following her. :roll_eyes:

Police arrived and recorded the accident. I did a breathalyzer test, no alcohol. Later we went to the police station to drop off the dash cam video. Police showed us the owner of the scooter, but it was a different person. I guess the owner is the child of the older person involved in the accident.

My car’s front bumper has some scratches and a smudge from the scooters plastic cover.

And now we wait …

Do the right thing. Even after the smallest accident call the police. That way you will be on the safe side.

Edit: My wife told me the scooter driver was female.


How did your case play out @Sternfan ?

He was probably drinking and needed to leave before the cops Breathalyzed him. Now he can sober up at his leisure for when the cops finally call him a few days from now. He will pay the cash for the damage, say a few buhaoyisis and all is well.

Well done!
That way you won’t be surprised if someone calls you days later asking to pay some hospital bills because of the accident “you caused”.

Did you wait on the same place or you moved aside to wait for police and allow traffic to flow?

It’s always a good measure to have one.

Didn’t the video show the person’s face?

We moved over to the side after she left. This is fairly busy intersection and we had 2 kids in the car. The dash cam footage would be able to show everything. No need to stay in the middle of the road.
I would have stayed in place if the scooter driver would have been injured.

The person was wearing a helmet with a blacked out visor. It was hard to see the face. I could only see the hands of a skinny old person.

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A little over a month ago I was hit by an old lady (car) who turned left too quickly as I was going straight through (scooter). No injuries and fairly minor damage to my scooter (<2000 to repair).
I just got the mail with a meeting date. What should I expect?

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Did her car have any damage? What do you want? If you just want the 2000 it will be easy.

Minor scratches, but it was hard to tell what was from this accident since there were dents and scratches over the whole thing.