Had an accident? Going to have one? Look here first

[quote=“karmaGfa”]To go faster than the flow make the flow going faster, as you are a part of the flow. Is it too difficult to just follow some rules and ride at the correct speed rather than to start to make your own ones for your own purpose ?[/quote]What rules? What do you think we’re talking about? I don’t think anyone is talking about breaking the speed limit, in this thread anyway. I’m certainly not.

I don’t see how creating space between yourself and others, and doing your very best to minimise the risk of collision, could ever be seen to be advocating dangerous driving.

I am not talking about some kind of blanket, undiscriminating speed increase! I am saying that in order to be a safe driver (safe for yourself and others), it is necessary to be flexible in one’s approach. And yes, sometimes that does mean going a bit faster than some other drivers/riders. Sometimes. Not all the time.

You had 1 second? How in the hell do you manage to mirror-signal-shoulder check-maneuver in one second?
Sounds to me like you just don’t know how to ride safely and because of that you hit a cyclist.

I find that the safest way to ride is to get up to the front of the pack at a red light, accelerate a bit faster than others (albeit safely), and thus create a bunch of space around me. I then top off right around the speed limit (less when necessary for safety), and allow the fastest riders to pass me by. They have plenty of space to do so (space which I created), and I’m not riding in the middle of a tight, noisy, exhaust-laden, dangerous throng of people who don’t have the sense to keep their mirrors aligned, much less check them or turn their head before maneuvering. In essence, I’m agreeing with Joesax here. There are times when going a bit faster (then tapering off) is actually safer than going more slowly.

absolutely… especially in Taiwanese traffic you should always be looking to accelerate away from the pack and maneuver into the biggest vacant space you can find in between other road users, and always have at least two ways out of any position you’re in… that is to say, never have your intended line/path limited to only 1 option by other road users… by riding next to a car for example… look for space, space is safe…

I didn’t. I was on the left side when I saw this guy coming behind me. Then I had 1 second to come back on the right side.

Sounds to me that nobody really care about the guy that pass people on a tiny way on a bridge at hi-speed. Sounds to me that a lof a forumosans are full of bullshit and judge people that they don’t know in some situations that they don’t know and/or imagine. Sounds to me that I should drive at hi-speed since nobody critized the guy on the 125cc at all.

I have a story to tell. One hour ago, I made a mistake : I stopped at the red light. One motorcycle behind me didn’t. he avoided to hit the back of my scooter but hit my right mirror. Then, he passed (note: the traffic light was red). I finnaly could reach him a few traffic lights after (one where he stopped) and explained him that he should not pass at the red light, and he should stop to see if he broke something or not. I was shocked to see that the guy was a old Taiwanese guy from the country side. I told him to take care next time and I told him to go.

mode forumosan bullshiters on

“- Some studies showed that the best way to avoid collisions is to stop a few seconds after the traffic light is red.”
“- The best way I found to avoid collisions is to start a little before the green light.”
“- You probably didn’t check you mirrors before you stopped ! Stupid little worm.”
“- I don’t really know what’s happened, but you misjudged the situation and provoked an accident, the traffic light was not red long enough.”

mode forumosan bullshiters off

I don’t want to chat with bullshiters :loco:

You described a situation and we responded to what you wrote. I don’t know who you are, nor do I care.

Sounds to me that your reading comprehension is as well-honed as your riding skills.

KarmaGfa, I am going to make an assumption here. I may be totally wrong, and if so, I apologise in advance.

It appears to me that you may not have been trained to drive or gained driving experience in a western country. If you had, you would probably realise that a road full of drivers driving confidently and up to the speed limit where conditions allow is a lot better than a road full of drivers driving slowly but unpredictably and with poor road sense.

In practical driving and riding tests in the UK, you are expected to ride up to the speed limit where appropriate to the conditions. If you do not do this, you will fail the test.

Now I know that some people argue that western driver training and experience cannot be applied here. I disagree. Road sense and good defensive driving works anywhere. Just because most other drivers don’t practise it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.

As regards the situation you described, it sounds very unusual and I don’t think it is a good justification of your argument. You were just riding along, and suddenly, completely out of the blue and in spite of what I would hope is your all-round situational awareness, a scooter comes up behind so very fast that an accident is inevitable and you neither have time to accelerate past nor tuck in behind the bicycle? Well, even given this rare occurrence, I think it would have been better to risk the collision from behind rather than to crash into the cyclist, who was more vulnerable than you.

I can understand that you had to act quickly and that in your panic you made a poor judgement. But I don’t think that this situation can be used to justify the argument you were trying to make.

I really am sorry if I come across harshly. But this is a discussion forum and it is important that we are able to discuss ideas, opinions and experiences. I’m glad you did rejoin the thread. Now if you could realise that we are not bullshitters and are trying to have a decent discussion with you, we might get somewhere.

Sounds like those funny insurance claims you sometimes see: “So I reversed and hit the tree that wasn’t there.”

What on earth were you doing moving out in front of someone coming up behind you so fast and driving like an idiot?

Didn’t know he was there? YOUR fault.
Didn’t see him until it was too late? YOUR fault.
Didn’t realize how fast he was moving? YOUR fault.
Underestimated the time needed to make your move? YOUR fault.
Underestimated the power of your scooter? YOUR fault.
Swerved and hit the cyclist? YOUR fault.

This is BASIC stuff, KarmaGfa. You should know this. No, you NEED to know this.

Again, I agree with most other people here who state that driving infront of the pack is safer. There are always a few idiots who ride at light speed - but that’s usually just two or three and you can usually single them out and be aware of them passing you and be ready to take any evasive action needed.
Most Taiwanese riders have the spacial awareness of the contents of a german beer tent. If you ride slower than the pack you will have idiots passing you and knocking your mirrors in no time. Dragonbones makes a good point wherby you get infront of most of the riders and then slow to a normal speed where there is space around you, rather than being stuck in a rabble of disorganised idiots.

Aside from this, karmaGfa, you should have been looking far enough infront of you to anticipate the bicycle. You should have checked behind you in good time - the bridges are flat and have no corners and you can see behind you using your mirrors for a fair distance.
Why did you get right up behind the bicycle in the first place? So close, infact, that you had an accident with it.

Aside from all of the above, trying to prove your point by illustrating the fact that you were overtaking a bicycle is pretty silly because I doubt that you would have followed that bicycle until you were off the bridge.
You would have passed the bicycle in any case.

[quote=“Enigma”]Well, I think our accident previously posted has finally drawn to a simpering conclusion. The defendant got 45 days in jail for failure to provide enough to satisfy our damages - regardless of how meager. We submitted all the receipts to the insurance company for the uninsured portion of our damages. Together, about 150,000. Insurance paid, together, a total of about 16,000 and upon complaint we were told we would need to get the balance from the defendant. Family attorney explained that the defendant had the legal minimum insurance which pays next to nothing. We have filed the lawsuit against the defendant and will no doubt get a worthless judgment.
Now, million dollar settlements and all that stuff aside, don’t expect a windfall from an accident. Most younger drivers in their Hondas with their coffee can exausts have near zip for insurance and they will simply laugh at any threat of a judgment. I for one will increase my insurance limits upon renewal and hope that I am not at fault in the next accident and . . . I know there will be a next time.[/quote]

Another update of the continuing saga:
We both got a summons to appear at the District Court for a closing of the case. Upon arrival we found that a negotiator was still trying to settle the case. Keep in mind that we have been the only ones negotiating. The mediator spoke to each of the sides alone and after some haggling I decided that I had wasted all the time I was going to waste. I told the mediator to ask the defendant how much money he had or could get within 1 week. We got the answer - not much to my liking but enough is enough. We settled at far less than our actual damages. A judge put the defendant on the record and he promised to pay the full sum within 1 week.
Of course, the week came and went and no deposit was made. We called the court to re-schedule a hearing and were told that the case was closed and that we should proceed with our law suit. We got ahold of the family attorney and told him to proceed. Today, a week and a half after the agreement, the defendant calls my wife and tells her he will make the deposit today or tomorrow. Right. Bloody wanker!

He Paid!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

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Again, I agree with most other people here who state that driving infront of the pack is safer. There are always a few idiots who ride at light speed - but that’s usually just two or three and you can usually single them out and be aware of them passing you and be ready to take any evasive action needed.
Most Taiwanese riders have the spacial awareness of the contents of a German beer tent. If you ride slower than the pack you will have idiots passing you and knocking your mirrors in no time. Dragonbones makes a good point wherby you get infront of most of the riders and then slow to a normal speed where there is space around you, rather than being stuck in a rabble of disorganised idiots.


Good idea, but don’t drive too far to the right because there are morons that pull onto the street without watching were they go …

Don’t know if a link to this clip has been posted before, but can’t hurt to watch it again. It’s a good reminder for any biker to slow down and be careful when overtaking.

well,the moron got what he deserved,the shame is about the other coming in front,it’s scary to know that even if you are a safe rider,you’re playing with your life every time you go for a nice sunny Sunday afternoon ride.

I had accident almost a year ago and still on rehab.
I drove scooter and the car hit my left side.
Some people stopped scooters and helped me to move on the side , also they moved scooter (even if they shouldn’t).
Somebody called ER, they come took me to nearest hospital.
At the hospital 2 policeman came and asked some questions, and try convince me to sign some papers and suggested to solve case at the hospital. I refused and told them that I won’t sign anything, and I would show up at the police station to sign and confirm my version.
I advice everybody to do like that.
Next i proposed to the culprit negotiate refund for my costs and salary which I lost. I got from the doctor at the hospital paper that he confirms my accident and how long it will take me to recover (3 months).
I advice don’t do it but do what I did next.
Wait for paper from police for confirmation about accident
I apply to Negotiation Center (each region has its own) for negotiation between culprit and victim.
During meeting we set up for 200 000 NT (some policeman suggested up to 280000, but I wanted to finish it ASAP)(including 3 months salary, and some other costs(hospital, clothes, scooter parts, day care)) good if you have some papers, receives and proof that you cannot work. He promised pay me in few rates, we chose dates (last before a half a year). Sign paper by negotiator, culprit,victim.
The Guy paid half and tried convinced me that he cannot pay more. We had 2 more meetings, and he didn’t pay ( his deadline was a month before half a year from accident).
So very important you have half a year to apply for criminal case at the police. Also negotiation center helps in negotiations but it cannot do anything more.

I went to police and applied for criminal case.

Next after 3 months, meeting with prosecutor and culprit. Again the Guy said that he would pay.
He didn’t. Two more meetings, and I said to prosecutor that I wanted put case to the court.

First court meeting the Guy paid second half (in cash), and I confirmed that I drop case.

So everything took about one year. In my case 4 damaged toes.

Suggestion if your accident is on your way from/to work your employer can apply to NFI for refund of your salary during months when you cannot work. You have 3 options , one you get about 70% of the salary and that is refunded to your employer. It needs to be done (inform NFI about accident) during about 7 days from accident, and later they apply for money every month.
Also if you can get paper from NFI which give you discount during visit at the hospital. Ex. rehab 6 times 300NT, discount you pay 100 NT.

If your accident is not on the way from/to your job, you get nothing from employer and NFI (not sure about discount paper).

Also remember to keep copies of all documents and don’t listen if somebody suggest to do in unofficially and drop case (maybe only in the case if you get all money on one time).


I had a crash. A car turned in front of me and I hit it. Not my fault.
I broke my clavicle in 2 places, which required surgery, screws and wire. It happened on Saturday at 11.40am. I had surgery at 6.20pm that night. I just got out of hospital today. I can’t work for at least a month or two.
I also hit my hip (bruised), bent my right thumb (joint bruised), skinned my knee (had jeans on, so no gravel rash), compressed my chest (hurts to breathe, but getting better quickly), got tissue damage on my neck (can’t turn it, wearing a brace) and banged my left toes (lucky I wore steal capped boots or I’d have broken toes). I had a great helmet, it’s a bit busted now. It was a full-face one, luckily, or I’d have no face right now. I had leather gloves on, too. So my hands are fine (they hit palms down). My left eye is a bit blurry, the doc said it was from the head bang, but it’ll go away (and it is, slowly).
I don’t know what my bike looks like, I haven’t seen it yet. But I think it’s well and truly screwed. As am I (not in a good way).

My woman has done everything as suggested in this thread and everything is going smoothly.
We’ll meet with the cops tomorrow night to tell my side of the story. We’ll also have the video from the street camera hopefully.

The only thing we don’t know is how much should we (I) expect in compensation… Any ideas?

(Mordeth13 visited me in hospital. It was a lovely surprise.)

:astonished: Very sorry to hear about your accident, mate. Glad you survived that and had a good full-face helmet on!

well, i am sorry about your accident… a friend of mine got a smaller accident but he has now a not so nice scar on his face, he got 100k Nts, i still think its not enough…

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get better fast and that you can get well compensated.
I wish you the best.

Yeah just got back from the cop shop.
They said I can take her to mediation court for settlement. But she seems poor, so looks like I won’t even get enough to replace my bike, let alone wages lost and suffering.

img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/ … CT0002.jpg
