Half of Taiwan's cram school teachers may lose their jobs | Taiwan News |

It’s a contract with no predetermined termination date, i.e. a permanent contract. You can use LSA Art. 15 to terminate without penalty, and your employer needs a reason to get rid of you (i.e. can’t just fire you on a whim – at least not legally).

Oh, or what Hubert said:

(But again, a foreigner without an APRC would be one of those “few circumstances”.)

And it’s not just schools doing it!

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Teachers should have been a priority in my opinion. For the sake of the kids.

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I know someone teaching synchronized swimming online. I have no idea how. They also have a special class for disabled students. Good teachers can be very creative.


Interesting , so from a teacher with an APRC or a local teacher a non fixed term contract seem much better.

Is there a lot of synching involved?

No need for split thread. The guy is opening a squirrel themed cram school. Squirrels will collect homework, discipline kids etc.


Sounds fantastic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I agree. I’m sure the parents would also be relieved to have the kids back at school.


I spoke to a lawyer about 2 years ago who said that if you renewed your contract at the same place of employment then in the eyes of the law you would be considered a non-fixed term employee. I didn’t pursue the legal charges so I’m not entirely sure if he was correct on that, but for what he charged per hour I sure hope he would be.

That is what I have been saying. I once talked to a group of 10 parents at a skate class.

Do you like Taiwan? Will you go back?

I said I was worried about my kids being in school too much. I wanted more time with them.

Deadly silence until one mom spoke up and said, I want them in school more. Summer vacation is a nightmare. I wish work was five days a week but school was seven.

Once she said that, they all burst out laughing saying they were thinking the same but thought they were the only ones.

School will be back and in person teaching is here to stay.

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iirc, some court judgements say foreigners contract terms are limited by work permits so it is not non-fixed, though some pilots might have got court judgements that their contract term is non-fixed.

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That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard of. They are all in separate swimming pools? How is that possible? Aren’t they all closed?

You can practise swimming moves out of water.

I wouldn’t want to teach it online.


Good to know. Works for me. :+1:

Yes, not really a swimming class in that case. That makes more sense. I mean my daughter is taking dance class online.

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If a young person were to ask me today as to a good career choice I would say an optician. People’s eyes are really going to get messed up.

You see the video of the Russian swimmer practicing on the counter?


Yes, I’m getting headaches straining to mark homework.

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They are sending you homework? What age is that for ?

My school expects kindergarten class to send in homework it works as you can imagine

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