Happy Singles Day! Good hunting (shopping)!

Any outstanding deals worth sharing?

I heard TaoBao has several good ones but after searching didn’t see much worth it

Yahoo has a bunch of stuff for 11 or 111 NTD.

Book Depository has joined the movement:
Singles Day - 10% discount voucher on ALL books with FREE DELIVERY [code: TW10]. 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐧, we :heart: you! https://bit.ly/36gXOeS


Book Depository has free shipping year-round, so I wouldn’t necessarily rush to buy a bunch of books right now based on that.


Marketing then. Good example of a company joining the 1111 movement…for publicity, not actual discount.

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Love the feeling add to cart :heart_eyes:…but didn’t check out yet …

It’s the additional 10% off that’s important! Just bought some books for the kids for Christmas, every little helps!

Yeah, 10% isn’t bad if you have books you’ve been wanting to buy :slight_smile:

Does Apple do sales for 11.11 in Taiwan?