Hartley Pool and Dan Machanik in 'Twice as Funny'

Dan and I will be doing a stand-up show at the Comedy Club (24 Taishin St) on 23rd August. The show starts at 10:30.

Our shows tend to sell out quickly, so if you want to come down and see us,make sure you book a ticket on:

02 2369 3730

Entrance is 300 NT, which includes a free drink and there will be 80NT beer specials all night long.
Join us on Facebook at: facebook.com/event.php?eid=20219162507

Thanks to everyone who made it out last night, and of course thanks to:

Dan, who is now off on an extended tour of the US
Jim, who did a professional job as always
Social for providing such a great venue

I’ll be back in October, with Tom Levene and some Taiwanese cabaret acts.

