Has anyone done direct mail adverts in Taiwan

I’m thinking of doing a newsletter type of thing with other small businesses in my area. Has anyone ever done a direct mail advertisment in Taiwan? This would be a first for me so any advice would be appreciated :cowboy_hat_face:

The accepted way is paying an agency that pays people to stuff DMs in newspapers or mailboxes. I’m sure you’ve seen them around, or a neighborhood storefront stuffing flyers in newspapers. Here’s one such

I don’t suppose you also happen to know how one goes about unsubscribing their address from all this junk? I don’t mind the tissues, but everything else is just going straight in the recycling. :whistle:

Try nailing a piece of wood over your mailbox :slight_smile:


Well, I do want to receive some stuff. :roll:

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I’ve canvassed my area with fliers before but some of the nicer apartments won’t give you access to their mail area. I think I need to mail it.

Well right way is make bulk mail arrangement with the post office and pay the cost.

Otherwise your only choice is stuff mailboxes yourself or pay someone to do it.