Have A Problem With A Company? Try Consumers Foundation Services

Consumers Foundation http://www.consumers.org.tw/.

With complaints, they recommend filling out one of these 存證信函 (tsuan cheng xin han) forms available at the post office, then send to company and the Consumer Foundation. Anyone know purpose of these forms?

Maybe sending to Apple Daily would be more efficient…

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Bump :grinning:


Well at least you can reply to your own threads :wink::wink::wink:. 99 more to go.
Good Thread though.
Edit: Why does it say “Chinese Taipei”? lol.


He’s got 99 dead threads, but this an’t 1 :yum:

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I will dig out of that hole.

Is it one big hole or 99 little ones that never really got started?

The holes kinds of blend together.


Yeah, I thought that was reserved for Olympic teams and such. Weird.

I plan to make a consumer complaint about the Consumers Foundation to the Consumers Foundation for their misspelling of ROC.


Maybe “Chinese Taipei” is to accommodate Chinese consumers.

The Chinese clearly says 中華民國