Headache Painrelief Over-The-Counter Medicine

Hi, I want to ask about headache medicine which is commonly sold freely in taiwan. Generally I take Methampyron 500mg (brand name novalgyn / neuralgyn) in my home country, and there this drug is quite easy to get in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

How about Taiwan? Is the same drug also sold freely? Or are there other drugs commonly used by Taiwanese people, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin which are relatively over-the-counter?

Thank you…

(P.s. This is my first thread. Sorry if I violated the rules. Moderators can delete this thread if deemed necessary)

I would recommend you use one of these instead, available at any pharmacy without prescription.

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Second that, these are readily available and far safer for the majority of people.


Depending on your causes, i found things that help clear the airways to help a great deal in getting more air into the lungs/blood/brain. I get really bad headaches when im in heavy pollution or dusty areas for a day or 2 just from the lack of air available. It can get quite severe in many regions of taiwan.

"Although it is available over-the-counter in some countries, it is prescription or banned in other countries, due to its potential for adverse events, including agranulocytosis.[6][7] A study by one of the manufacturers of the drug found the risk of agranulocytosis within the first week of treatment to be a mere 1.1 in a million, versus 5.92 in a million for diclofenac.[8] It is in the ampyrone sulfonate family of medicines.

It was patented in 1922[9] and was first used medically in Germany under the brandname “Novalgin”. For many years, it was available over-the-counter in most countries, before its withdrawal due to severe adverse effects."


Can you maybe attribute the text you’re cutting and pasting?

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It’s clearly from Wiki. The poster couldn’t be bothered to even remove the references.

I’m sure they weren’t trying to pass it off. But just say, Wiki says:

I know, but at least clean it up a bit before posting.