Health Check for ARC in the US or Taiwan


I was told I’ll need to get a health check. I’m thinking to get that in Taiwan. Does anyone know if that’s quick and easy to get or is that something I need to wait a while for? Where I am it will take at least 2 weeks.

If I get my health check done in Taiwan without health insurance, does anyone have an idea what this will cost?


Depending on what you need the health check for, you might have to get it before arriving. However, if you can do it here, then it’s super easy and relatively cheap. I used to go to a local hospital for a basic yearly checkup (bloodwork, chest x-ray, and a bunch of questions.) I just walked in and was usually done within 60 to 90 minutes and it cost about $1000 NTD or a bit more. Health insurance doesn’t cover check-ups. It was ready within a week. Compared to what I had to go through in the US, it was unbelievable. There it took me about a month to get an appointment, then I had to go back another time for bloodwork, then I had to wait several weeks for the results, and the whole thing cost me over $400 USD.

If you have any vaccination cards, the bring them. Otherwise they’ll be testing you for vaccines and charge you for it. I had an old card with my MMR vaccines listed on it and saved some $$ every year.

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I think OP is talking about the health check required for getting an ARC, rather than just a normal regular checkup.

I’ve never needed to do it, but I understand it’s only possible at certain hospitals and that they increased the fee in the last couple of years (don’t remember exactly, but off the top of my head I think the value I heard was in the range of NT$1000–1500).

CDC link for the permitted hospitals

If OP’s “where I am” means somewhere outside Taiwan, I’d imagine it’s easier/safer to do it in Taiwan at one of the designated places (so at least they should know what they’re doing and OP won’t need to pay twice if something isn’t completed correctly).

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Yea, I’m in the USA right now. From what I hear it’s going to to cost me at least US$600 depending on the exact tests I need to have performed. To me NT$1500 sounds like a bargain.

Thanks for the link, that’s very helpful.

I just did mine in Taiwan. It cost a pittance compared to what you’d pay in NY.

The clinic I went to is in toayuan, the one for foreigner workers: Blood, xray, BP, gtfo. Tiny mean women and some ancient doctor with zero sense of humor.

Make sure they get your name right, as no one seemed to actually be able to read English.

Thanks for the heads up!

Was it a fasting blood test? How long did it take you to receive the report?

I may have skipped breakfast; they’ll let you know when you make your appointment.

Want to say a week later it was ready.

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Yeah, it’s ridiculous how fast and efficient they can be here when it comes to this. Similar to taxes. I did it the other day and was done in about 15 minutes. Free. I did my check up at the RenAi public hospital in Taipei and that place is like a machine. Armies of volunteers just waiting to pounce on you and drag you from station to station. One even insisted on filing out the form for me, and glueing my picture on. Just don’t go around lunch time. Nothing can come between them and their lunch.


I believe they check cholesterol (among other things, obviously), so it should be.