Healthy Meals Delivery Service - Nutrifresh

Doesn’t look half bad!

this is great, gonna give them a try!

Went to order online today but was horrified to see their credit card input page doesn’t use encryption at all, and then even worse it passes the details to a script which then emails your (I assume encrypted) details to their external email address.

Terrible terrible security practise.

To get round this, I went to their store to give my credit card to them, but was told this isn’t possible as it has to be done on the website! ! !

Anyway, going to go with cash on delivery for this first week but I hope they can sort out their system for next week…

They’re a happy looking bunch in there though, cooking with a smile :slight_smile:

Just an FYI on our website as well as security:

  1. Unfortunately since we haven’t purchased an SSL certificate yet (which are not cheap by any means), creating a https page is sort of useless because most browsers will block un-certified webpages. We do our own web design and updating, but are more focused on the food than the webpage. Our webpage is more of a portal of information than anything!
  2. You could always pass us the information via email, text message, or even a phone call. We have had other customers that are worried about web security as well, so we’re more than happy to take any information over the phone.
  3. Just for Information on the flow of the information: our Website > Sends Information to their internal mail server > We download the email and email is deleted from server.
  4. In 5 years of doing business, we have never lost a single credit card nor been the target of any hacks. The potential of loss of credit card info would most likely come if you have spyware installed on your own computer and not from our website. Hacks and security issues may become an issue if the information is stored on a database that is accessible via a login or backdoor on the server. The information is only housed on our internal computers and transactions are keyed/ processed manually.

And thank you for coming by our former-storefront, but yes, we do not take walk-ins or pick-ups since our service is delivery only. I hope this adequately answers your issues.
And if anyone has any other issues, please feel free to email us at Thanks!