Help to identify this marine creature

And I’m sure this isn’t a freaking nudibranch, as I’ve been told!


(Approx size would be like 30-40 cm, or it looked so under the water)

PS: maybe some sort of sea cucumber?

Probably. There are a few hundreds of sea cucumbers. Some edible, some not. Some really expensive.

The reason why I thought it wasn’t a sea cucumber is because it was fatter, wider, and flatter. Like if its section were kinda square.

Another angle:



Yes. A sea cucumber, aka beche de mer or trepang.

Pick your language )or culinary state).

Not a nudibranch (aka sea slug) or the similar sea hare.

But it was square and flat…

A square and flat sea cucumber.


They are massive sea cucumbers, more or less rectangular in cross-section. The oral face (called trivium ) is flat, and covered with numerous aligned podia. The tegument is thick, and covered with thick papillae and other tubercles. The oral tentacles are peltate, helping to collect the sediment to ingest.

Likely this one

Named after pineapple or ananas due to its pineapple-y shape.


Cool find!