Help with gas meter

So, I’m a moron and I wanted to turn off the gas while I was away for a week. Instead of turning off the “spinning valve” (not sure how you call that in English), I switched the red handle onto the off position. Turns out this handle is actually a safety handle (安全球閥). Yeah, I should have checked beforehand.
Now the LED is blinking, I can’t decipher the symbols next to that LED and the gas won’t come back. Any advice on what I can do except calling my landlord?

Nvm, I found the solution. Thanks :slight_smile:

It says to call the gas company if the LED is flashing…

A bit offtopic, but how can the LED be flashing on a gas meter? Are these things connected to the power around here? Or do they have batteries inside? :thinking:

Slightly more on topic: The gas shutoff valve at my gas meter looks quite similar. I have turned it off when leaving my apartment and turned it back on when coming back without any issue. So a bit curious now what the original issue could have been or if there is a better way to turn of the gas for some time?

I don’t know but I heard some gas appliance or whatever have shutoff valves that automatically shuts off when the power goes out. This is for safety so you don’t end up with gas leaks or a fire when the power comes back on. They have to be manually reset once power is restored.

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