Hey! How’s THIS for a dog-comes-back-to-owner story!
[quote=“irishstu”]Hey! How’s THIS for a dog-comes-back-to-owner story!
It’s total crap. As a randy young South American chess player story, though, it’s pretty damn good.
[quote]Chess champ, 15, found with nightclub dancer
A 15-year-old Peruvian chess player who didn’t come back from a tournament in Argentina has been found - living with a nightclub dancer.
Emilio Cordova left Lima to play at the South American Chess Championship in Argentina, which he won.
But instead of returning home he went to Brazil and kept asking his family to send him money, saying he was ill.
After a few months his family grew suspicious and asked the police to find the boy.
Emilio was found living with 29-year-old Adriana Oliveira, who works as a dancer at a nightclub.
Emilio told his father, who brought him home to Peru, that Mrs Oliveira was only one of his girlfriends.
He told the press: "I play chess, study chess but this doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself. I’m young and I want to do this. I have to live.
“To be locked up in my room all the time depresses me.”[/quote]
Remember, Sandman, we all agreed to make allowances for irishstu, right? We must be kind; somewhere in there, he’s still a person.
Shoulda been THIS link: ananova.com/news/story/sm_2253033.html?menu=
Of course the South American chess champ story is good too, just not much to do with dogs finding their way home. Then again…
Shoulda been THIS link: ananova.com/news/story/sm_2253033.html?menu=
Of course the South American chess champ story is good too, just not much to do with dogs finding their way home. Then again…[/quote]
Oh yeah, sure, you say that NOW. When we all know perfectly well that in fact, you think Peruvian is a dog breed and that dogs are clever enough to play chess and get nookie from nightclub dancers.
love the name. perfect name for a puppy: doo-doo.
Perfect name for the OP, too, if you ask me.
Perfect name for the OP, too, if you ask me.[/quote]
That’s why we all call him that. Behind his back, of course.
I love it when he leaves happy hour and we all say things like ‘I see irishdoo-doo has gone home then.’ Oh, happy times.
I was reading a book last night in which one bloke insulted another bloke by calling him shitey-breeks. Its an insult I’m going to add to my quiver.
Shoulda been THIS link: ananova.com/news/story/sm_2253033.html?menu=
As a human, I’d be pissed if my parents buried me without first making sure I was dead.
Can we make this into a poll on how many agree with that?