High Speed internet modem? short term

That’s not what it says for me. I just clicked on it right now.

Try a different device.

I do not know what is going on in that case. :frowning:

I used the 大哥大 internet on my phone and it gives the same message. I tried 3 different browsers on my home PC with ADSL. I tried it on my work PC. I get the same message each time.

Yep, the link works for me too.

I mean that link works, but did you click " [立即申辦] " ?


Lemme check with a store tonight.

I received the 4G modem (could not cancel and although I could still send it back now, I decided to keep it anyway). I got an unlimited SIM from 大哥大 (Taiwanmobile) valid for two months at 1500NTD for testing.

Speedtest.net showed 15.61mbps down and 7.07 up the first time I tested just now on Saturday evening. I moved the router a bit closer to where I think the tower is and I just got 16.81/20.97 (upload higher than download).

I also ordered a big antenna from Shopee, so hopefully, these values will go up a bit even when I receive that.

If I like this, I will probably continue the “Foreign Students Favorite” program they have at Taiwanmobile which is 3500 for 6 months. That works out to 583/month and there is no speed limit. Another plus is there is no subscription.

So for now I will test for a while.

It seems 大哥大 4G in a router at my apartment is horrible. Speedtest.net is usually OK but the upload speed was 0.5Mbps at one point last night.

When I start some Torrents or open two YouTube streams at 720p the latency goes to the 300-500ms range. Packets start to drop.

I flashed OpenWRT to the router and performance is similarly bad. I am going to test with an external antenna when I get it and I will probably get a temporary SIM from one or two other telecom providers to compare, but so far it has been not good.

So short-term 4G in a router could work if you are the only user and control all your network devices (do not boot up your Xbox while you are in a zoom call), but definitely not something for a family.

What is the model of the modem?

I warned you!!


Oh wait, maybe that wasn’t you.

Really does depend on the area tho.

Xinzhuang for example, is awful with 大哥大

TP-Link MR6400 V5

We have some towers nearby per:

My phone is also 大哥大 and lying on my desk right now it has just one bar. We will see what happens if I connect the larger antenna.

What’s it like outside?

My phone? It has four out of five bars when holding it out the window. When I get the external antenna I will hang that out the window and see how it goes.

And what kind of phone do you have and what kind of speeds do you get outside?

I promise this is important.

Samsung S8+ and I never test my speed since I do not have 吃到飽 on my phone. It is acceptable for basic browsing :smile:.

It appears to be missing Band 28, which Taiwan Mobile uses. Lower frequency bands tend to penetrate better into concrete and obstacles better than higher frequency bands. The only ones that are fully compatible are Tstar and Chunghwa. Since this router does not support the lower frequencies of the others, this MAY be an issue. But definitely only partially compatible.

Above, I recommended this because it’s Taiwan specific. it also supports Category 6 LTE instead of Category 4. Cat 6 is faster and may improve speeds.

Right, but you could in theory put that new SIM card into the phone and test, no?

The phone is fully compatible.

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Thanks, this is very interesting. Let me process this. I have some type of Qualcomm modem, this is how the modem identifies itself:
P: Vendor=05c6 ProdID=9025 Rev= 3.18

By the way, this is what the modem reports for signal:

# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-signal-info
        "type": "lte",
        "rssi": -60,
        "rsrq": -14,
        "rsrp": -90,
        "snr": 50
# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-signal-info
        "type": "lte",
        "rssi": -54,
        "rsrq": -14,
        "rsrp": -90,
        "snr": -32

I think signal strength is excellent, quality is good, and SNR (signal to noise ratio) fluctuates greatly and is mostly around 0. This seems to mean I am far from the tower and/or there is lots of noise.

This has been an awesome thread folks, thanks for all the input…any updates on the GT offer? I’m going to try to hit a store once I’m done with quarantine…and also once I get a chance to scope out system at my wife’s family’s house…

Lemme try tomorrow night. Since @TaipeiGuy2000 seems to have found an OK solution with TW Mobile, I didn’t go.

I am still testing with TW Mobile. I also bought a 1month SIM at Chunghwa Telecom. I will try that after.

TW Mobile has an option for 3500/6 months that you can “add to” when it is going to run out, so you can keep the same number. Chunghwa has a similar option for students that they said I do not qualify for. But, they could give me a 3500/6 months throw-away SIM. I just got one month to test.

So regarding my testing, I thought latency was awful with 4G. I now notice that latency is awful on my ADSL too. So actually performance is more similar than I thought.

4G Antenna arrived and I will go pick that up tomorrow to see if it helps. If 4G ends up being acceptable I would still want to consider gt4life or whatever the other shop is called.

Some weeks of testing with Taiwanmobile 4G (Unlimited, no speed reduction) SIM shows it is usable, but only for 1 or maybe 2 users and only at low bandwidth. Latency spikes above 300ms when traffic goes over 2mbit.

I will try with Chunghwa SIM after this SIM runs out, but I expect it to be not much different.