Here is a sequence I have played many times: take several busses to
get to some on-ramp, e.g. Zhonghe, freeway 3, S.W. of Taibei. Then
stand there for an hour when 1 million cars go past me while I think
I am such a big fool. And they are only going 5 km/h at that spot
too. Finally break into a conversation with someone who has stopped
to buy snacks and ok, he’ll give me a lift.
Anyways, when you add all the local busses needed to get to the on/off
ramps, and the hours spent standing there “like a fool”, you see why
the locals think you must be nuts, so don’t pick you up, as with the
cutthroat intercity bus competition, rates are real low, perhaps less
than all those local busses you just took to get to the on/off ramps,
Perhaps in the country it is different, however I tried all the poses,
background settings, baseball hat positions, backpack on/off
indicating tiredness, the whole array of facial expressions, etc. but
still I am a “no sale” item in general.
Anyway, it is clear that you are out for fun and games and not trying
to get anywhere to them, as for a few pennies you could be on an
intercity bus. That you are instead hanging around the on ramps with
the stray dogs indicated that you are just out for fun and games today
– not something the average driver has in mind.
Anyway, that is my on ramp story. As far as actually hitchhiking on
the expressway itself, that is sure to cause an accident and you will
then be front page news.
As far as hitchhiking in the country, well, I do admit pleasure in
finally having a road atlas to accidentally show the driver, that has
lots of pictures of me in it, explaining my miracle electric utility
pole number navigation system, as you see plastered all over my web
pages. The only problem is the atlas is too big.
One time near Zhongli on this secondary road this old man was telling
me the only way I was gonna get a ride was to hold up a motor oil
container indicating distress. Things were looking down, when all
the sudden this chick on a motorbike zooms off with me, to the
amazement of the old timer, still holding the motor oil container.