Hitler ... German off

Elvis was not elected to the Music Hall of Fame by a majority either; rather it was a plurality. Where is Elvis these days? I think I saw him at the supermarket but then… maybe it was at a bar… or maybe on a bus…

Another red-herring from Freda V. Smeg, Taiwan’s principle follower of slimeball wankstain George W. Bush.

Haven’t you got someone else’s home to squat in?


[quote]Another red-herring from Freda V. Smeg, Taiwan’s principle follower of slimeball wankstain George W. Bush.

Haven’t you got someone else’s home to squat in?


Harumph. Why would I need to use a red herring here? None of my relatives voted for Hitler. They were all DNVP or Free Conservative. And in keeping with that anti-Fascist view, we live to fight another day on the side of righteousness and goodness by supporting Bush in his efforts to fight Fascist dictators all over the world. Squat? Hell no. Modern toilet assemblages all!

Elvis says hi by the way. He misses his dog though…

Hey, Smith … don’t hijack the thread, will ya’ … unless they are going to strip Bush’s nationality and make him Iraqi … Elvis is and stays dead …

A general remark on Hitler´s bravey in WWI:

I don´t give a sh*t. Probably he is one of the forgotten war heros and would have conquered France and even US all by himself if the nasty, nasty Jews and Socialists didn’t stab him in the back…blablablabla.

I am sick and tired explaining to Americanos why their granddads had to shoot Nazis. Don´t go shooting rightfully elected bloodthirsty maniacs in other countries then if you declare them heros a generation later.

So… guys … ask your granddads.

And it was the “Jews and socialst” nonsense which had me blaming this Screaming Jesus.
I enjoyed the “this”. :smiley:

And no, I will not explain that all those Jews where just normal people, rather middle class and upper than socialists. No, I do not explain again, that there were jewish prostitutes, WWI heros with the Iron Cross, taxi drivers, conservatives and Bratwurst sellers.
Not again… damned… isn´t it worth using a few brain cells now and then…?

[quote=“bob_honest”]A general remark on Hitler´s bravey in WWI:

I don´t give a sh*t. Probably he is one of the forgotten war heros and would have conquered France and even US all by himself if the nasty, nasty Jews and Socialists didn’t stab him in the back…blablablabla.

I am sick and tired explaining to Americanos why their granddads had to shoot Nazis. Don´t go shooting rightfully elected bloodthirsty maniacs in other countries then if you declare them heros a generation later.

So… guys … ask your granddads.

And it was the “Jews and socialst” nonsense which had me blaming this Screaming Jesus.
I enjoyed the “this”. :smiley:

And no, I will not explain that all those Jews where just normal people, rather middle class and upper than socialists. No, I do not explain again, that there were jewish prostitutes, WWI heros with the Iron Cross, taxi drivers, conservatives and Bratwurst sellers.
Not again… damned… isn´t it worth using a few brain cells now and then…?[/quote]

bob, for what it’s worth, my granddad used to say that ‘Krauts’ were either the smartest dumb people on earth or the dumbest smart people, he wasn’t quite sure which. That might explain a lot of what you’re getting at in your post above.

[quote=“bob_honest”]A general remark on Hitler´s bravey in WWI:

I don´t give a sh*t. Probably he is one of the forgotten war heros and would have conquered France and even US all by himself if the nasty, nasty Jews and Socialists didn’t stab him in the back…blablablabla.

I am sick and tired explaining to Americanos why their granddads had to shoot Nazis. Don´t go shooting rightfully elected bloodthirsty maniacs in other countries then if you declare them heros a generation later.

So… guys … ask your granddads.

And it was the “Jews and socialst” nonsense which had me blaming this Screaming Jesus.
I enjoyed the “this”. :smiley:

And no, I will not explain that all those Jews where just normal people, rather middle class and upper than socialists. No, I do not explain again, that there were jewish prostitutes, WWI heros with the Iron Cross, taxi drivers, conservatives and Bratwurst sellers.
Not again… damned… isn´t it worth using a few brain cells now and then…?[/quote]

A fine, if somewhat meandering, post.
I would posit that Hitler was just one of many mutating monsters amongst the German political sphere prior to 1936. Many of them bore the famed euro anti-jewish residue. They used this supposed prop as a means of fearmongering to guile quite a few nations behind their dastardly deeds. After then, each one of those maggots sought to carve their own niche, though forever being obsequeient to the Grand FatMaggot: A socially inept nerd who corrupted a whole kultur.
Thousand year reich, indeed.

Hitler was a uniformed soldier of Germany, not some stateless maniac living in a cave. The comparison is weak.

No one is trying to make him out to be a glorious war hero. But he WAS a soldier who served his country with bravery, and was appropriately decorated for it. I have talked to at least a ten Germans (you’re Austrian, right?) who have tried to minimize Hitler’s service record, as if it were necessary to do so in order to criticize him.

Societies love perpetuating the myth that their soldiers are larger than life, especially during wartime. Those American soldiers we saw throwing rocks at a crippled dog and laughing about it might be exceptionally brave and courageous in battle, but they are still complete assholes. I know lots of soldiers and sailors with combat experience (in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq) who are real jerks. Lots of who are good guys, but the point remains that being a brave soldier doesn’t mean being a good person in all respects.

[quote=“BroonAle”][quote=“games”] “Hitler …was initially elected by the majority of his people.”


No he wasn’t. Hitler never received support above the high 30’s. The only state to vote for him in the majority was Schleswig-Holstein. His ascent to absolute power was through the Enabling Act and then only with the support of the Liberal Party who fell for the political equivalent of the “cheque’s in the post” line.


Sure … but he was elected chancellor by the majority of representatives of the Reichstag initially. And those all came into office via free elections. You may of course claim that this is one of these cases where (like so often) the representatives do as they damn well please once they are into office, but the fact remains: Hitler got into office by election and not via a coup and then played the system.

And regarding “playing the system” … the system failed because no one cared to really back it up. From my experience paper means a lot less than how people want to read it. If there would have been the will, there for sure would have been ways to intervene. There was no one however who did and this puts doubts into me regarding any “evil maniac from a cave seduced gullible poor population”.

Hitler is a very convenient scapegoat to demonize … but this whole Evil Mastermind theory sounds as convincing as Rummy’s projections about Iraq. That whole episode of German history is a neat lesson regarding all that tralalala about “fighting terror from the Mid East by dropping democracy into Muslims laps”. ‘Democracy on the March’ is a surefire way to stability? Yeah, sure … but only if one has an equally feeble grasp on history as Rummy … Werewolves anyone?

Regarding his herosim - puts a perspective on all this heroism talk, right? Noticed how inflationary the term is used in recent years again? Everybody is a hero again, just like back in the Eastern Bloc with its legions of “worker heroes” “heroic youth brigadeers” “hero mothers” “mothers of heroes” “Mama Hero, Pappa Hero and Billy Boy Hero” “heroic man who rubber stamps red tape” “hero of dental hygiene” “socialist hero of silly walks” … Marvel and DC are kindergarten against that.


Or they were busy “triangulating” against other threats. The Right was more worried about Bolshevism. That was a REAL threat too. Unfortunately, what they got was just as bad to much much worse.

Yes, because it frees the German people from responsibility for the nation’s actions. A normal tendency. Not that it has to be catered to.

What is the alternative? Leaving the Middle East alone? How did that work out?

Agreed and very amusing. My God, though, you are a cynical cynical cynical person.

… and finally a little history correction.

Before 1933 Germany had a weak democracy, referred to as the “Republic of Weimar”. Almost wrote “…China”…gosh!

It was brought down by tensions between poor work class, middle class missing a king, upper class probably wanting to live in a small mini country goverend by a Duke, old WWI generals trying to blame the population for having lost WWI (military defeat changed to “missing support of the population”). And the economic crisis of those days AND… the real death stab of this republic was the street fight between


And if people make that


then they have fallen to Nazi propaganda stuff.

It should be easy to understand. If you were poor working class you either found extreme right or left appealing. A Rabbi of a religious minority had nothing to do with it.
My grandpa ( :slight_smile: ) was a commie those days and exchanged truncheon blows with Nazis (SA), not with Jews. Gosh, I guess he never knew any…

Well…German Jews had been supporting socialist parties since the end of the Emancipation era in the late 19th century. It was the socialists who called for an end to the Judenpatent, socialists who raised up Jews to the top of their worker’s councils and political parties (like the USPD in the early 20th century), and socialists who opposed attempts by the right to re-ghettoize the Jews and place other restrictions on them. It is understandable then that Jews would ally themselves with these people and yes did collaborate with representatives from the Soviet soviets in the days leading up to the November Revolution and yes did take active parts in the uprisings.

Of course the Nazis’ primary enemies were the Communists and independent socialists, but as stated there were Jews among them and in some cases assumed leadership roles. This did not bode well for the Jews when the Reichstag elected Hitler. Look, I am not trying to demonize the Jews here. Nothing they did justified their near total destruction at the hands of the Nazis. But there were some legitimate reasons the Nazis hated them (again, still no justification for what happened).

I suspect the Nazis needed a third party scapegoat in their attempts to bring unity to Germany. They couldn’t execute every single German who belonged to a leftist party or worker council, or who took part in some protest or march. Jews were the perfect scapegoat. It was an easy matter to claim the Jews were a corrupting influence and the source of Germany’s woes. Many German Catholics still believed Jews were capturing Christian children for blood rituals or were consuming the blood of Christian babies by sucking out their blood with little hollow reeds. In 1881 the Catholic journal Civilta Cattolica claimed, “It is in vain that Jews seek to slough off the weight of argument against them: the mystery has become known to all.” The Vatican itself gave credibility to these arguments until right before WWI when it admitted the blood libel cases were due to hysteria. On top of this Jews were and had always been insular. Even secular Jews rarely married outside their community, continued living in ethno-cultural communities even after the medieval ghetto walls were brought down during the Jewish Emancipation, spoke their own language when together, and worst of all, continued to reject the Gospels.

Of course Nazi propaganda exaggerated the differences between the native Germans and the Jews, lied about non-existent Jewish plots, made blood libel accusations against the Jews, etc. BUT the Nazis did have some reason to hate Jews (and their Gentile socialist comrades), and the German masses had always been wary of Jews.

[quote=“gao_bo_han”]Well…German Jews had been supporting socialist parties since the end of the Emancipation era in the late 19th century. It was the socialists who called for an end to the Judenpatent, socialists who raised up Jews to the top of their worker’s councils and political parties (like the USPD in the early 20th century), and socialists who opposed attempts by the right to re-ghettoize the Jews and place other restrictions on them. It is understandable then that Jews would ally themselves with these people and yes did collaborate with representatives from the Soviet soviets in the days leading up to the November Revolution and yes did take active parts in the uprisings.

Of course the Nazis’ primary enemies were the Communists and independent socialists, but as stated there were Jews among them and in some cases assumed leadership roles. This did not bode well for the Jews when the Reichstag elected Hitler. Look, I am not trying to demonize the Jews here. Nothing they did justified their near total destruction at the hands of the Nazis. But there were some legitimate reasons the Nazis hated them (again, still no justification for what happened).

I suspect the Nazis needed a third party scapegoat in their attempts to bring unity to Germany. They couldn’t execute every single German who belonged to a leftist party or worker council, or who took part in some protest or march. Jews were the perfect scapegoat. It was an easy matter to claim the Jews were a corrupting influence and the source of Germany’s woes. Many German Catholics still believed Jews were capturing Christian children for blood rituals or were consuming the blood of Christian babies by sucking out their blood with little hollow reeds. In 1881 the Catholic journal Civilta Cattolica claimed, “It is in vain that Jews seek to slough off the weight of argument against them: the mystery has become known to all.” The Vatican itself gave credibility to these arguments until right before WWI when it admitted the blood libel cases were due to hysteria. On top of this Jews were and had always been insular. Even secular Jews rarely married outside their community, continued living in ethno-cultural communities even after the medieval ghetto walls were brought down during the Jewish Emancipation, spoke their own language when together, and worst of all, continued to reject the Gospels.

Of course Nazi propaganda exaggerated the differences between the native Germans and the Jews, lied about non-existent Jewish plots, made blood libel accusations against the Jews, etc. BUT the Nazis did have some reason to hate Jews (and their Gentile socialist comrades), and the German masses had always been wary of Jews.[/quote]

OK you are from Alabama.

Yeah, Jews supported the socialists.
Yeah, and some played piano and some where gay.
Guess that makes it a piano-playing gay jewish world conspiracy.
Can put some blacks into there if it makes you feel groovy. :wink:

Oh it’s worse than that. I’m from Texas. I just live in Alabama.

Now you’re getting it.

[quote]Yeah, and some played piano and some where gay.
Guess that makes it a piano-playing gay jewish world conspiracy.
Can put some blacks into there if it makes you feel groovy. [/quote]

I take offense at this, as you are obviously implying I’m racist. Have I been supporting the notion of a Jewish conspiracy? No. I’m pro-Israel for Christ’s sake. I said I understood why the Jews would back the socialists who were championing their cause. They obviously weren’t going to sign on to the right wing parties that wanted to reinstitute the Judenpatent. But don’t kid yourself that the widespread German animosity towards the Jews was solely the result of Nazi rabblerousing. You Germans had the blood of thousands of Jews on your hands long before Hitler was ever born. Should we talk about the blood libel trials? Witchcraft? Conspiring with the Devil? Or how about the German villagers on the Rhine who conspired with the French Crusaders to execute Jewish villagers, rape their women, and steal their property? Or how about the dozens of pogroms against the Jews in the 15th and 16th centuries starting with the Bundschuh movement and the Gnostics’ der Deutsche Bauernkrieg (Peasant’s War) under Thomas Müntzer? Said Müntzer of the Jews and other unbelievers:

And one of his followers on Jews and other infidels refusing to convert:

Germans have been terrorizing the Jews in their midst for over 1000 years. The Final Solution was merely the last step. So don’t give me this “it was all Hitler’s fault” bullshit.

You think so? I can not recall any major military defeat of the Reichswehr in WWI. WWI was lost by missing support of the population very much the same as the Vietnam War was lost.

And who is to blame the population for that in either case? All this tralalala about “never been defeated in the field” amounts to diddly squat if the people who are you supposedly fighting for figured out it is actually not worth it anymore. Especially when it had been grossly oversold what these wars could achieve. Aim high, promise the world and whatnot, underperform … and then whine about lack of support.

Now does that again sounds pretty much like Iraq or what?

So far? About 3,000 U.S. servicemen KIA less for starters.

Oh wait, I completely forgot your stance about that part last time I mentioned that point. Was it “whatever” or “Phfft”? Anyhow, good you care you old hippy.

“Die Gottlose Republik of Tschinarr!” … I like the sound of that. Is that one rubber stamped already by the PRC? :sunglasses:

Games, you have no idea how far off the mark you are. That is what is so amusing. But I shall cherish this little title and see if I can add it to my signature. haha

If you could “recall”, then you’d be the oldest poster on Forumosa. So you are saying that Germany lost WWI because people basically lost interest? Reminds me of a German I know who claims that in WWII Germany was not militarily defeated, they just “stopped”. Fortunately, he was joking. I fear that you are not.

And don’t forget 1966 where you were roundly thrashed by mighty England for at least the third time that century.


If you could “recall”, then you’d be the oldest poster on Forumosa.[/quote]

I mean I recall from history books and pretty much every other source I know about the topic. :wink:

Kind of. Very hard to keep an interest when people start to starve at home. Which was beginning to happen as the naval blockade finally did start to show effects. Then there was the November revolution and that is from where the “stab in the back” myth started.

Now Germany may have suffered also military defeat if it would have tried to hang on for much longer. Fact remains though: the population back at home bugged out before that was about to happen.

Seriously … what big military defeat of the Reichswehr in 1918 can you recall? Battle of Amiens, woo-hoo some dozen kilometers pushed back? Hardly impressive … very much like all other ‘military successes’ along the Western Front.

I only got two words to say: PENALTY SHOOTING!

The curse of the Mummy. You never should have opened that tomb foolish Brits. :sunglasses:

Damned, you Americanos are really desperate for a political leader, if you even glorify this bitch called Hitler :stuck_out_tongue:

(and no, I never blamed Hitler for everything…)

So if you need leaders, here you get them…

Hope this helps…

And now grab some history books, me and the Fuhrer’s ghost take a drink now. He sure had some good stuff in the trenches…